Adam Bede Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Adam Bede Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Sarah Stone say her shop is located in Stoniton while on stand in Chapter 43?
(a) Church Lane.
(b) Ross Lane.
(c) Adkins Road.
(d) Smith Street.

2. Who arrives with a stay-of-execution order in the end of Chapter 47?
(a) Lisbeth Bede.
(b) Arthur Dunnithorne.
(c) Will Maskery.
(d) Joshua Rann.

3. Who does Adam resolve to ask for the first dance in Chapter 26?
(a) Mary Burge.
(b) Dinah Morris.
(c) Lisbeth Bede.
(d) Sarah Smith.

4. With whose dairy management does Mr. Donnithorne say he has been unhappy for some time in Chapter 32?
(a) Mrs. Satchell's.
(b) Mrs. Gedge's.
(c) Mrs. Casson's.
(d) Mrs. Burge's.

5. Where has Dinah said she wants to work upon returning to Snowfield in Chapter 49?
(a) The stables.
(b) The bakery.
(c) The toy shop.
(d) The mill.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose letter informs Arthur of Hetty's imprisonment in Chapter 44?

2. What happens when Hetty's sentence is delivered in Chapter 43?

3. What falls to the floor as Adam takes Totty from Hetty's hands at the dance in Chapter 26?

4. How old is Squire Dunnithorne said to be in Chapter 33?

5. With whom does Hetty dance the first dance in Chapter 26?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Hetty journeying in Chapter 36? Why?

2. What is Hetty's plan as she sets out from Windsor in Chapter 37?

3. Why does the Old Squire Donnithorne visit the Poyser home in Chapter 32?

4. With what is Hetty charged in court? What is the verdict?

5. What is written in Arthur's letter in Chapter 31? How does Hetty respond to the letter?

6. What action does Arthur commit to in Chapter 29?

7. Why does Adam go to Hall Farm in Chapter 30? What does he do there?

8. Why does Mr. Massey go to Stoniton in Chapter 40?

9. What does Sarah Stone say on the stand in Chapter 43?

10. What does Adam learn from Mr. Irwine in Chapter 39? How does he respond?

(see the answer keys)

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