The Accidental Tourist Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Accidental Tourist Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Macon breathe a sigh of relief at Rose and Julian's wedding?
(a) Macon sees that Sarah has also brought her new boyfriend.
(b) Macon sees Muriel release herself from his mother's grasp.
(c) Macon realizes he didn't forget to bring the ring.
(d) Macon notices the weather getting better.

2. In Paris, what does Macon try to avoid?
(a) Tourist traps.
(b) American restaurants.
(c) Julian.
(d) Muriel.

3. According to Macon, what is the main reason he can't come to dinner at Muriel's?
(a) Macon is still in love with Sarah.
(b) Macon wants to cook for her instead.
(c) Macon has no interest in women since Ethan died.
(d) Macon has an urgent meeting with Julian.

4. In Vancouver, what does Sarah ask Macon on the phone?
(a) If Edward can stay with her at the house.
(b) If Macon is coming back next week.
(c) If Muriel is a good person.
(d) If Macon plans on staying with Muriel forever.

5. Who does Muriel threaten with a shotgun?
(a) Norman.
(b) Macon.
(c) Julian.
(d) Rose.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who first greets Macon, Muriel, and Alexander when they arrive for Christmas?

2. Who calls Macon at a hotel in Winnipeg?

3. Where does Rose and Julian's wedding ceremony take place?

4. Why is Rose irritated with Macon after he begins seeing Muriel?

5. What is Macon's reaction to Muriel's announcement while they are browsing thrift stores?

(see the answer keys)

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