The Accidental Tourist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Accidental Tourist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Charles knock on Muriel's door?
(a) Charles tells Macon his car won't start.
(b) Charles tells Macon he wants Edward to live with him.
(c) Charles tells Macon he wants him to move back with them.
(d) Charles tells Macon his pipes have burst.

2. What does Macon do in lieu of calling Muriel?
(a) Calls Rose instead and asks for advice.
(b) Goes for a long walk to clear his head.
(c) Sends flowers and a thank you card.
(d) Writes a note and delivers it at her house.

3. Why does Rose move back in with her brothers?
(a) Because Julian is away on business.
(b) Because their lives are a mess since she got married.
(c) Because she and Julian broke up.
(d) Because she had a fight with Julian.

4. How does Muriel respond to Macon's reminder?
(a) Muriel is upset but thanks him for reminding her.
(b) Muriel is outraged that he left her and Alexander and has the nerve to call her about bee stings.
(c) Muriel is grateful for Macon's help around the house.
(d) Muriel is relieved that he called because she would have forgotten Alexander.

5. What happens when Macon lifts the receiver to call Muriel and apologize?
(a) Edward distracts Macon with his barking.
(b) Macon decides to go to dinner with her after all.
(c) The words freeze in Macon's mouth.
(d) Rose and Julian show up at his door.

6. What is unsettling to Macon about Muriel?
(a) Muriel's youthfulness.
(b) Muriel's ambition.
(c) Muriel's bad temper.
(d) Muriel's beauty.

7. Why does Sarah want to move back into the house?
(a) Sarah's lease is up and she can't find another apartment.
(b) Sarah and her new boyfriend need a bigger place to stay.
(c) The house belongs to Sarah, not Macon.
(d) Sarah wants to fix it up before they sell it.

8. What does Macon have at lunch with Sarah that he has never had before?
(a) The house special.
(b) Wine.
(c) An appetizer.
(d) Dessert.

9. Where does Rose and Julian's wedding ceremony take place?
(a) At the courthouse.
(b) Outside at the Leary household.
(c) At a Lutheran church.
(d) In a rented hall.

10. When Macon returns from Canada, where does he go?
(a) To his house.
(b) To Charles and Porter's house.
(c) To Muriel's.
(d) To Rose and Julian's.

11. Who does Macon run into while out with Alexander?
(a) Muriel's ex-husband.
(b) His mother-in-law.
(c) His high-school sweetheart.
(d) His neighbor.

12. Why is Mr. Dugan preoccupied?
(a) He is worried about the pipes freezing.
(b) He is concerned about Alexander's shyness.
(c) He is invested in a football game.
(d) He is upset about Muriel bringing Macon.

13. Why does Macon yell at the cab driver in Paris?
(a) The cab driver gives him the wrong change.
(b) The cab driver is lost.
(c) Macon is going to miss his plane.
(d) Macon spots Muriel hailing a cab.

14. After recovering from his injury, who does Macon move in with?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Muriel.
(c) Porter.
(d) No one.

15. How does Macon feel about his burgeoning relationship with Muriel?
(a) Macon doesn't care for her and is only seeing her to make Sarah jealous.
(b) Macon is in love her and wants to marry her.
(c) Macon is indifferent and is just going through the motions of dating someone new.
(d) Macon doesn't think he loves her but loves the surprise of her and of him being with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who calls Macon at a hotel in Winnipeg?

2. What does Julian invite Macon and Muriel to?

3. What city does Macon visit when Baltimore is covered in ice?

4. What does Macon stop on his walk with Edward?

5. Who does Rose summon to go to Paris?

(see the answer keys)

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