The Accidental Tourist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Accidental Tourist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main reason Macon keeps Edward?
(a) Edward belongs to Sarah.
(b) Edward belonged to Ethan.
(c) Edward is a good watchdog.
(d) Macon wants his company.

2. Why does Macon feel inadequate with Muriel?
(a) Because she is unfriendly and mean.
(b) Because he never finished school and she has a graduate degree.
(c) Because she makes it so easy to control Edward and he has no control over him.
(d) Because he is intimidated by her good looks.

3. What do Macon and Susan discuss at dinner?
(a) Susan's memories of Ethan.
(b) The trouble Susan is having with her dad.
(c) If Macon will remarry.
(d) What college Susan wants to attend.

4. According to Garner, how does Macon react to the neighbors' offers of help after Edward dies?
(a) Macon rejects offers of help to bring a casserole or mow the lawn.
(b) Macon accepts their help to cook and clean for them.
(c) Macon tells them to mind their own business.
(d) Macon asks them to fix the house up while they are gone.

5. Who is brave enough to try Rose's turkey at Thanksgiving?
(a) Julian.
(b) Muriel.
(c) Porter.
(d) Macon.

6. How does Macon feel about Muriel's question while on their training expedition with Edward?
(a) Macon is pleased that Muriel trusts him and wants to go away with her.
(b) Macon agrees that getting a dog is a good idea.
(c) Macon's unsure having dinner with her and Alexander is the right thing to do and puts her off.
(d) Macon is disappointed that she is breaking up with him.

7. What does Julian offer Macon at his childhood home?
(a) A dinner out in the city.
(b) A place to stay.
(c) An extension on his manuscript.
(d) A pay increase.

8. Why does Macon want his cast to cover him from head to toe?
(a) So that Macon never has to travel again.
(b) So that Sarah will feel sorry for Macon and come back.
(c) So that Macon can be taken care of by Rose.
(d) So that Macon can hide forever.

9. What is the reason Muriel marries and divorces her husband, Norman?
(a) Norman's money.
(b) Muriel's first husband.
(c) Muriel's parents.
(d) Muriel and Norman's baby.

10. According to Muriel, what can't Norman handle regarding Alexander?
(a) Alexander's cries in the middle of the night that wakes him up.
(b) Alexander's medical bills and the fact that he's not like other kids.
(c) Alexander's constant need for attention and approval.
(d) Alexander's bad behavior and truancy at school.

11. What does Grandfather Leary tell Macon in his dream?
(a) That Macon is his favorite grandson.
(b) That Macon has lost his center and Sarah is that center.
(c) That Macon is on the right path to salvation.
(d) That Macon should remarry and move to Lassaque.

12. What does Macon do after Sarah has left the restaurant?
(a) Macon pays for the bill and meets Sarah at her place.
(b) Macon asks the waiter to box his leftovers and drives home.
(c) Macon finishes his dinner and calls Rose to pick him up.
(d) Macon waits for Sarah to return with the car.

13. According to Grandfather Leary, who is the best Leary?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Rose.
(c) Macon.
(d) Charles.

14. How does Macon respond to Charles being locked in the pantry?
(a) He convinces Porter to apologize to Charles.
(b) He calls Muriel to come over and calm Edward.
(c) He tells Charles he will be home soon to get him out.
(d) He convinces Rose to let Charles out.

15. According to Sarah, Macon is _______________.
(a) The best friend she can hope for.
(b) A great husband.
(c) A jerk who never loved her.
(d) A dried up kernel of a man.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does he teach the cat to do?

2. What does Macon do while waiting for a flight back home from his first trip in the novel?

3. At Macon's childhood home, why is his typing interrupted?

4. What does Edward do each time Muriel leaves after training?

5. What does Sarah tell Macon she wants regarding their separation?

(see the answer keys)

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