The Accidental Tourist Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Accidental Tourist Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Garner, what is the perception people have of Macon?
(a) He is outgoing.
(b) He is aloof.
(c) He is angry.
(d) He is nervous.

2. What does Julian invite Macon and Muriel to?
(a) Easter dinner.
(b) Julian and Rose's wedding.
(c) Rose's birthday party.
(d) A cookout at Julian's house.

3. According to Macon, what is unusual about Rose's life?
(a) She has traveled all over the world, and has never lived in one place for long.
(b) She lives all by herself, and has never had a partner.
(c) She has been married several times.
(d) She is not married or employed and takes care of her brothers.

4. What is the dilemma the Leary's face about Thanksgiving?
(a) They don't want to have a big dinner since it's just the four of them.
(b) Where to have Thanksgiving, at the house or in the city.
(c) No one likes turkey but they feel compelled by tradition to have it.
(d) Who to invite, since they don't like one another's friends.

5. When Macon leaves Baltimore, the city is covered in ice. What is the weather like when Macon returns home ?
(a) Like the end of fall.
(b) Like the start of summer.
(c) Like the middle of winter.
(d) Like the beginning of spring.

Short Answer Questions

1. What surprises Macon and Muriel as they are talking about her son and ex-husband?

2. Who is brave enough to try Rose's turkey at Thanksgiving?

3. According to Muriel, what can't Norman handle regarding Alexander?

4. Who has Rose been seeing?

5. According to Garner, who else has been looking for Macon?

(see the answer key)

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