Accidental Death of an Anarchist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Accidental Death of an Anarchist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the reporter remark upon when meeting Sports Jacket?
(a) His hair.
(b) His grip.
(c) His skin.
(d) His eyes.

2. What does the Maniac do to hide the fact that he's feeding the inspector lines in front of the reporter?
(a) Curses.
(b) Sneezes.
(c) Sings.
(d) Shuffles papers.

3. Who slips and falls on the marble in front of the reporter?
(a) The Superintendent.
(b) Sports Jacket.
(c) The Maniac.
(d) Bertozzo.

4. Who was one of the infiltrators in the Anarchists' circle?
(a) The Superintendent.
(b) The Maniac.
(c) A well-known Roman fascist.
(d) The Pope.

5. Who says, regarding the journalist, "Don't you understand yet that I'm in the same boat with you guys? People like her you have to try to get on your side, not against you?"
(a) The Constable.
(b) The Superintendent.
(c) Bertozzo.
(d) The Maniac.

6. What does the report say which disputes the statement that the officer grabbed the Anarchist as he fell?
(a) His tie was undone.
(b) He fell backwards.
(c) He was wearing both shoes.
(d) His glasses were broken.

7. What does Bertozzo bring in during the interview with the reporter?
(a) A facsimile of the bomb.
(b) A piece of railroad track.
(c) A cannon ball.
(d) A document for the judge.

8. Where has the reporter heard of this "nickname" for the investigator in Act 2?
(a) A policeman.
(b) A jury.
(c) A judge.
(d) Another anarchist.

9. Who says, "When he's in the right mood, you should see the side-splitting interrogations he does . . . ha, ha, ha, you could die laughing!"
(a) The Maniac.
(b) Sports Jacket.
(c) The Superintendent.
(d) The Constable.

10. Who does the Maniac finally tell the reporter he really is?
(a) A judge.
(b) A bishop.
(c) The Pope.
(d) A terrorist.

11. What does the Maniac tell Sports Jacket is the first rule in interviews?
(a) Never say yes.
(b) Never apologize.
(c) Always smile.
(d) Never contradict.

12. Who says, in Act 2, "I swear to you, I know that guy. He's never been in the police; he's wearing a disguise"?
(a) Bertozzo.
(b) The Maniac.
(c) The Superintendent.
(d) The reporter.

13. What does Bertozzo not know about in Act 2?
(a) The judge's orders.
(b) The Maniac's true identity.
(c) The incriminating evidence.
(d) The "counter-investigation."

14. Which character says, "If they had every member of that little pilgrim band under total and continuous surveillance, how come the band was able to organize such a complicated attack, without your coming in to stop them?"
(a) The Superintendent.
(b) The Journalist.
(c) The Maniac.
(d) Sports Jacket.

15. According to the reporter, "the report on the _____ of the fall seems to be missing from the judge's dossier."
(a) Distance.
(b) Angle.
(c) Depth.
(d) Parabola.

Short Answer Questions

1. When, according to the reporter, did the phone call to the ambulance take place?

2. Why did the judge rule the alibis unreliable?

3. What does the Maniac tell Sports Jacket he's done when he slaps him on the back?

4. What does Bertozzo rip off the Maniac in Act 2?

5. What does the journalist ask if she may use during the interview?

(see the answer keys)

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