The Accident Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Accident Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does he decide to go with her?
(a) He has nothing better to do.
(b) Her smile intrigues him.
(c) He is curious.
(d) She is beautiful.

2. What does Eliezer feel about his past?
(a) It should stay in the past and not bother his future.
(b) It is sad.
(c) It is more important to him than the present.
(d) It is not as important has the present.

3. How does he reply?
(a) He hates therapists.
(b) He cannot forget his memories.
(c) He was at the train station.
(d) He does not want to leave.

4. Who comes to visit just before Kathleen arrives?
(a) Three of the protagonist's colleagues.
(b) Haline.
(c) Shimon.
(d) His father.

5. When does he stop her?
(a) Before she can say that she has loved him since the day they met.
(b) Before she can say any more hurtful words.
(c) Before she can say why she does not love him.
(d) Before she can leave.

6. Into what has his desire suddenly turned?
(a) The desire to leave.
(b) Hatred.
(c) A strong need to understand her.
(d) Love.

7. What does a teacher tell him will happen three days after he has died?
(a) He will be in pergatory.
(b) He will be with Jesus.
(c) An angel would come to him.
(d) He will go to heaven.

8. What does she know he will continue to do?
(a) Depress her.
(b) Drift back to the place where she cannot reach him.
(c) Annoy her.
(d) Be in love with her.

9. Who is Sarah?
(a) Th protagonist's wife.
(b) The protagonist's sister.
(c) The protagonist's mother.
(d) The protagonist's grandmother.

10. Where is he reading?
(a) In a cafe.
(b) A cell.
(c) A library.
(d) The livingroom.

11. What does he think about this question?
(a) He is not sure why she wants a story read to her.
(b) He is not hungry.
(c) People make love at night, not in the middle of the day.
(d) He thinks she is very pretty.

12. What is Kathleen's response to this story?
(a) She is surprised.
(b) She does not want to hear any more.
(c) She likes the name Sarah.
(d) She cries.

13. How long has it been since the accident?
(a) A week.
(b) A month.
(c) A year.
(d) A day.

14. What has Dr. Russel made a habit?
(a) Having dinner with Kathleen.
(b) To visit with the protagonist each morning.
(c) Sending other doctors in to talk to his patient.
(d) To visit with the protagonist each evening.

15. To whom does the protagonist tell this story?
(a) Shimon.
(b) The doctor.
(c) Haline.
(d) Kathleen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does she tell him she has found?

2. If he truly loved her, what would he not have to do?

3. What does his teacher tell him to say?

4. What does he do when the nurse hands him a mirror?

5. Why does Kathleen wonder about the identity of Sarah?

(see the answer keys)

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