Absalom, Absalom! Test | Final Test - Easy

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Absalom, Absalom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the primary subject of discussion in Chapter 8?
(a) Charles Bon.
(b) Judith Sutpen.
(c) Quentin Compson.
(d) Thomas Sutpen.

2. At the close of Chapter 5, Rosa says there is something hidden somewhere. Where is it hidden?
(a) In her father's store.
(b) In the swamp.
(c) In the Compson house.
(d) In Sutpen's house.

3. How does Rosa survive after she leaves Sutpen's estate?
(a) She lives off the food supplies left in her father's store.
(b) She cultivates a garden.
(c) She hunts.
(d) She steals food and relies on donations from the neighbors.

4. What is the setting of Chapter 8?
(a) Rosa Coldfield's office.
(b) Sutpen's Hundred.
(c) Quentin and Shreve's dorm room.
(d) Sutpen's Hundred, New Orleans, and Civil War battlefields.

5. What happens to Charles Bon's son after his mother dies?
(a) He is sent to boarding school.
(b) He comes to live at Sutpen's Hundred.
(c) He becomes a servant in New Orleans.
(d) He inherits her money and becomes a landowner.

6. At the end of Chapter 5, who is imagining the scene that occurred when Henry told Judith of the murder?
(a) Quentin.
(b) Rosa.
(c) Clytie.
(d) Jason.

7. Why does Rosa leave Sutpen's estate in Chapter 5?
(a) She fights with Judith.
(b) She hates Clytie.
(c) Sutpen insults her.
(d) She does not love Sutpen.

8. What woman does Sutpen turn his attentions to after Rosa leaves Sutpen's estate?
(a) His neighbor's daughter.
(b) Ellen Coldfield.
(c) One of his neighbor's servants.
(d) Wash Jones' granddaughter.

9. How old is Rosa at the time of Bon's death?
(a) Thirty.
(b) Nineteen.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Fourteen.

10. What is Charles Bon's religion?
(a) Presbyterian.
(b) Methodist.
(c) Adventist.
(d) Catholic.

11. Why does Sutpen reject his last (youngest) child?
(a) The child is diseased.
(b) The child is of mixed race.
(c) The child is a girl instead of a boy.
(d) The child is born out of wedlock.

12. Where do Quentin and Shreve believe that Henry was wounded?
(a) Jefferson.
(b) Shiloh.
(c) Sumpter.
(d) Gettysberg.

13. What is Sutpen's occupation between the time he leaves his family and the time he arrives in Jefferson?
(a) He is a planter.
(b) He is an architect.
(c) He is a woodworker.
(d) He is the overseer of a plantation.

14. How does Thomas Sutpen's last (youngest) child die?
(a) Wash Jones kills her.
(b) She dies of yellow fever.
(c) She drowns.
(d) Henry Sutpen kills her.

15. Chapter 7 says that Sutpen had only one friend. Who is that friend?
(a) General Compson.
(b) The French planter.
(c) Wash Jones.
(d) The French architect.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Quentin know about Thomas Sutpen's childhood?

2. Who is the narrator of Chapter 5?

3. What do Shreve and Quentin imagine Henry did after his final meeting with his father?

4. Where does Jim Bond live?

5. How do Shreve and Quentin believe that the French planter disguised his daughter's African blood?

(see the answer keys)

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