Absalom, Absalom! Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Absalom, Absalom! Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 2, which characters are talking about the story of Thomas Sutpen?
(a) General Compson and Quentin Compson.
(b) Rosa Coldfield and Quentin Compson.
(c) Jason Compson and Quentin Compson.
(d) Rosa Coldfield and Jason Compson.

2. What is the relationship between Quentin Compson and Rosa Coldfield?
(a) They are neighbors.
(b) She is his aunt.
(c) She is his teacher.
(d) She is his step-sister.

3. What do Ellen and Judith do in Jefferson for entertainment?
(a) They goshopping and call on the ladies of the town.
(b) They go to Holston House.
(c) They go dancing.
(d) They go to the theater.

4. Who lends Sutpen cotton seeds for his plantation?
(a) General Compson.
(b) Jefferson's hospitality committee.
(c) Mr. Akers.
(d) Mr. Coldfield.

5. In Chapter 3, who is the primary narrator of the Thomas Sutpen story?
(a) Jason Compson.
(b) Rosa Coldfield.
(c) Quentin Compson.
(d) Thomas Sutpen.

6. What is the weather like the night of Sutpen's wedding?
(a) There is a tornado coming.
(b) It is a perfect summer night.
(c) It is snowing.
(d) It is raining.

7. What does Thomas Sutpen do during the war?
(a) Moves to New Orleans.
(b) Locks himself in his attic.
(c) Fights for the South.
(d) Fights for the North.

8. In Chapter 4, the reason why Henry rejects his family and his birthright is revealed. What is that reason?
(a) Henry discovered that Sutpen had stolen the money he used to build Sutpen's Hundred.
(b) Judith wanted to marry Bon.
(c) Thomas Sutpen forbade the marriage between Bon and Judith.
(d) Henry discovered that Sutpen had other children.

9. After Sutpen's estate has been built but left unfurnished for several years, he leaves Jefferson for a short period of time. What does he return with?
(a) Spanish gold.
(b) Luxurious furnishings for his house.
(c) An interior designer.
(d) Another architect.

10. Why is Quentin Compson going to leave Jefferson in the fall?
(a) To enlist in the Civil War.
(b) To move to New Orleans.
(c) To attend Harvard.
(d) To get married.

11. Which of the following is the name of one of Sutpen's non-slave employees?
(a) Charles Akers.
(b) Wash Jones.
(c) Charles Bon.
(d) Mr. Coldfield.

12. What photograph does Charles Bon have on his person when he dies?
(a) A photograph of himself in his military uniform.
(b) A photograph of Henry.
(c) A photograph of his wife and child.
(d) A photograph of Judith.

13. Where does Thomas Sutpen get the money to build his estate?
(a) A family inheritance.
(b) He had been a banker.
(c) He is a horse trader.
(d) No one knows.

14. What does Mr. Coldfield do with his store when the war breaks out?
(a) Turns it into a church.
(b) Burns it.
(c) Sells it.
(d) Locks it up.

15. Who kills Charles Bon?
(a) Thomas Sutpen.
(b) Henry Sutpen.
(c) Judith Sutpen.
(d) His wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose regiment does Thomas Sutpen join?

2. Who does Thomas Sutpen marry?

3. What is the name of Thomas Sutpen's estate?

4. What is Mr. Coldfiled's association with Sutpen after the marriage?

5. What is the relationship between Rosa Coldfield and Judith Sutpen?

(see the answer keys)

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