About Face Test | Final Test - Medium

David Hackworth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

About Face Test | Final Test - Medium

David Hackworth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the special force camp Hackworth's new unit was supposed to relieve located at?
(a) The Kwai river.
(b) Twan Wang.
(c) Han Chang.
(d) Tou Murong.

2. What part of Vietnam did Hackworth say had the worse conditions ever experienced by an American soldier?
(a) The Northern Jungles.
(b) The high plateau of center Vietnam.
(c) The Mekong Delta.
(d) The streets of Hanoi.

3. What general changed his mind about a promise he made to Hackworth?
(a) General Snown.
(b) General Zais.
(c) General MacMillan.
(d) General Smith.

4. Who was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Cuban missile crisis?
(a) Jack B. Markus.
(b) John A. Steven.
(c) Maxwell D. Taylor.
(d) Ira G. Krogger.

5. What did Hackworth decide between trips to the U.S.?
(a) That his marriage with Patty was over.
(b) That he wanted to resign his commission.
(c) That he wanted to stay in the army as long as possible.
(d) That he wanted to teach.

Short Answer Questions

1. What unit did Hackworth take command of in 1966?

2. What country did Hackworth visit with the ARVN?

3. What position did Hackworth accept in Chapter 18?

4. What resulted in many casualties during the first major engagement of Hackworth's unit?

5. When was Hackworth assigned as advisor to the Airborne Division?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Hackworth reported to Fort Lewis in Chapter 18, what did he find?

2. What job did Hackworth want at the beginning of Chapter 16 and what was his assignment?

3. Who did Hackworth meet when he was on R&R?

4. What did Hackworth formulate to achieve the same high body count as Hunt?

5. What did the men under Hackworth's command do at first?

6. What was Hackworth allowed after he recovered?

7. What irritated Hackworth about the new equipment?

8. What did Hackworth feel the United States was doing?

9. What happened as Joel was born?

10. Who was Hackworth called to brief and what did Hackworth receive?

(see the answer keys)

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