About a Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

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About a Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Megan?
(a) Marcus' friend.
(b) Clive's girlfriend.
(c) Suzie's daughter.
(d) Will's date.

2. Why is Marcus forced to tell his mother about his visits to Will's in Chapter 17?
(a) He comes home without shoes.
(b) He breaks curfew.
(c) He forgets his schoolbag at Will's.
(d) Will has to drive Marcus home when he becomes sick.

3. Who is Marcus forced to visit with in Chapter 19?
(a) His father.
(b) The headmistress at his school.
(c) Will.
(d) His smelly aunt.

4. What does Marcus ask Will about in Chapter 20?
(a) How to be cool.
(b) Sex.
(c) His biology homework.
(d) The image on Ellie's shirt.

5. What does Ellie think of her mother's behavior in Chapter 25?
(a) She thinks it's disgusting.
(b) She is unfazed.
(c) She thinks its funny.
(d) She doesn't mind her mother's antics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ellie and Zoe take Marcus in Chapter 21?

2. Why is Ellie called to the headmistress' office in Chapter 21?

3. What can Will not find a polite way out of in Chapter 22?

4. Who is Clive?

5. What does Marcus argue with his mother about in Chapter 17?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Ellie? What do Ellie and Marcus talk about in Chapter 19?

2. What do Will and Fiona discuss over a drink in Chapter 18?

3. How does Fiona react when she finds out about Marcus' visits to Will's house?

4. Who argues in Chapter 23?

5. What do Will and Fiona discuss in Chapter 32?

6. What shocks Marcus' classmates in Chapter 21?

7. How do Ellie and Zoe react in Chapter 21 when Marcus tells them that he knows Ellie was lying to him before?

8. Why does Fiona suggest that Marcus visit his father? What makes Marcus agree to go?

9. What makes Will unhappy enough to skip Christmas in Chapter 18?

10. Who is Rachel?

(see the answer keys)

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