About a Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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About a Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Marcus partly blame his mother for the trouble he faces at school?
(a) She makes him wear her hand-me-downs.
(b) She cuts his hair strangely.
(c) She doesn't let him listen to music or play video games that the other children like.
(d) She always tells off his bullies.

2. What lie does Will tell the park keeper in Chapter 9?
(a) the duck attack was a hit and run.
(b) The duck was attacking Will.
(c) Will thew the object at the duck.
(d) Marcus was trying to keep Suzie's daughter from seeing the dead duck.

3. Where does Marcus run into bullies in Chapter 7?
(a) In a graveyard.
(b) The local news agent's store.
(c) At Church.
(d) Outside his house.

4. What is Will unsuccessful at doing in Chapter 10?
(a) Catching some sleep.
(b) Consoling Marcus.
(c) Making a gourmet dinner.
(d) Making Suzie laugh with his best gag.

5. What does Marcus try to force Will and Fiona to do over lunch in Chapter 13?
(a) Argue.
(b) Converse.
(c) Flirt.
(d) Discuss their futures.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Will bored of in Chapter 12?

2. What does Will do when Fiona calls him again in Chapter 14?

3. Why does Will almost wish he weren't a man in Chapter 6?

4. What do Marcus and Will often talk about in Chapter 16?

5. What does Marcus do at Will's apartment in Chapter 15?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Will find himself looking forward to?

2. What lie does Will tell in Chapter 8?

3. Describe Will's lunch with Marcus and Fiona in Chapter 13.

4. Why does Will buy Marcus shoes?

5. Why is Marcus bullied and how does he handle the bullying?

6. Who is Angie?

7. What happens to Marcus' mother in Chapter 1? How does this affect Marcus and how does he try to make his mother feel better?

8. Why does Marcus blame his mother and teachers for the bullying he faces at school?

9. How does Marcus find his mother when he returns home in Chapter 7? What does she tell him?

10. What happens to a duck at the SPAT picnic? How does Will cover up for Marcus because of the duck?

(see the answer keys)

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