About a Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

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About a Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Marcus walk out of school in Chapter 19?
(a) He is taunted in gym class.
(b) He is mad that the headmistress told him to stay away from bullies.
(c) Bullies throw eggs at him.
(d) He forgot his homework at school.

2. Besides Fiona, who does Will expect to meet in Chapter 32?
(a) Marcus.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Ellie.
(d) Clive.

3. Where does Marcus refuse to go in Chapter 31?
(a) To Will's.
(b) To his house.
(c) To see his father.
(d) To school.

4. What does Ellie confess to Marcus in Chapter 25?
(a) That Marcus is her best friend.
(b) That she knows about Fiona's suicide attempt.
(c) That she is moving.
(d) That she likes Marcus.

5. What does Fiona begin doing in the mornings again in Chapter 29?
(a) Vacuuming.
(b) Singing.
(c) Jogging.
(d) Crying.

6. What does Fiona tell Marcus about his father in Chapter 31?
(a) That he is not Marcus' real father.
(b) That his father had an accident.
(c) That he is emigrating.
(d) That he is having a child with his girlfriend.

7. What does Rachel suggest she do in Chapter 30?
(a) Spend some time on herself.
(b) Go back to school.
(c) Talk to Fiona.
(d) Move in with Will.

8. What makes Ellie and Zoe laugh in Chapter 21?
(a) When Marcus trips and then cries.
(b) When Marcus insults Ellie.
(c) When Marcus tells Ellie she has nice eyes.
(d) When Marcus talks about Kurt Cobain.

9. What does Marcus tell Will Ali did in Chapter 27?
(a) That Ali told a lie about Marcus.
(b) That Ali cheated.
(c) That Ali threatened to kill him.
(d) that Ali took his new CD.

10. Who is Ellie?
(a) The school troublemaker.
(b) Marcus' cousin.
(c) A teacher's assistant.
(d) The smartest kid at school.

11. Why is Will driving around in Chapter 20?
(a) To pick-up women.
(b) To run errands.
(c) To listen to Nirvana at a loud volume.
(d) To try and find a gas station.

12. What does Marcus ask Will about in Chapter 20?
(a) The image on Ellie's shirt.
(b) Sex.
(c) How to be cool.
(d) His biology homework.

13. Why is Will concerned for Marcus in Chapter 32?
(a) Because of Kurt Cobain's death.
(b) Fiona's depression is a constant worry to Marcus.
(c) He is failing school.
(d) He has been sick lately.

14. What does Ellie think of her mother's behavior in Chapter 25?
(a) She doesn't mind her mother's antics.
(b) She is unfazed.
(c) She thinks its funny.
(d) She thinks it's disgusting.

15. Who does Will fall in love with?
(a) Anna.
(b) Bridget.
(c) Rachel.
(d) Penny.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Ellie and Marcus see Ellie's mother doing in Chapter 25?

2. Why does Will feel he cannot help Fiona?

3. How does Marcus scare Ellie off in Chapter 25?

4. Where does Ellie offer to go with Marcus in Chapter 31?

5. How does Will disappoint Marcus in Chapter 29?

(see the answer keys)

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