About a Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

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About a Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Will not know about life?
(a) What the point of it is.
(b) When it will end.
(c) What makes a good one.
(d) Why he is so bad at it.

2. Who does Will fall in love with?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Anna.
(c) Penny.
(d) Bridget.

3. What makes Ellie and Zoe laugh in Chapter 21?
(a) When Marcus trips and then cries.
(b) When Marcus tells Ellie she has nice eyes.
(c) When Marcus insults Ellie.
(d) When Marcus talks about Kurt Cobain.

4. What does Megan try to do with her Christmas gift from Marcus?
(a) Eat it.
(b) Throw it away.
(c) Break it.
(d) Share it with Will.

5. Why does Marcus try to keep Ellie from seeing the newspapers in Chapter 31?
(a) There is an article about suicide in Britain in the paper.
(b) Her mother is in the news.
(c) He doesn't want her to learn about Kurt Cobain's death.
(d) He has written a public confession to Ellie and he desides not to show her.

6. Why is Will unhappy in Chapter 18?
(a) He is sick for the first time in three years.
(b) His date has stood him up.
(c) Marcus has broken an expensive vase in his home.
(d) He has heard his father's song a full five weeks before Christmas.

7. What does Fiona file a complaint about at Marcus' school in Chapter 19?
(a) The lack of supervision during recess.
(b) Marcus' falling grades.
(c) The cafeteria lunches.
(d) The stolen sneakers.

8. What does Will wonder at the end of Chapter 28?
(a) If he is perhaps finally ready for a commitment.
(b) If he will ever truly be happy.
(c) If he would make a good father.
(d) If he should get a job.

9. Why does Marcus become angry at Ellie in Chapter 29?
(a) She laughs at his mother.
(b) She suggests that Kurt Cobain will try to commit suicide again.
(c) She insults Will.
(d) She cheats on a test.

10. What does Ellie think of her mother's behavior in Chapter 25?
(a) She is unfazed.
(b) She thinks its funny.
(c) She thinks it's disgusting.
(d) She doesn't mind her mother's antics.

11. Where do Will and Fiona go to eat in Chapter 32?
(a) A four-star restaurant.
(b) A cafe.
(c) A pizza parlor.
(d) A 50's-style diner.

12. What does Marcus do at the end of Chapter 26?
(a) He runs out of the house.
(b) He yells at his mother.
(c) He sets a stuffed animal on fire.
(d) He throws up.

13. What does Fiona conclude of Will when they go out for a drink in Chapter 18?
(a) He is self-centered.
(b) He is dangerous.
(c) He is a mystery.
(d) He is charitable.

14. Who is Megan?
(a) Will's date.
(b) Suzie's daughter.
(c) Clive's girlfriend.
(d) Marcus' friend.

15. What does Will tell Rachel in Chapter 28?
(a) The truth of his relationship with Marcus.
(b) That he has decided to move to America.
(c) That he doesn't want to get married.
(d) That he wants to break-up.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Marcus react when he sees Ellie at Suzie's New Year's Eve party?

2. What can Will not find a polite way out of in Chapter 22?

3. What happens between Will and Rachel that he doesn't expect in Chapter 30?

4. When does Will fall in love?

5. What does Marcus tell Will Ali did in Chapter 27?

(see the answer keys)

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