Abe Lincoln in Illinois Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Abe Lincoln in Illinois Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What legal case established that slaves should be considered property?
(a) Brown v. Board of Education.
(b) The Slaughterhouse Cases.
(c) Dred Scott v. Sandford.
(d) Marbury v. Madison.

2. What is the essential element Lincoln's party is seeking in a presidential candidate when they ask him to run?
(a) A strong military policy.
(b) A willingness to raise taxes.
(c) An anti-slavery attitude.
(d) The ability to get elected.

3. How does Mary Todd describe her part in the break-up of the engagement to Lincoln?
(a) She acknowledges pushing him too hard to fulfill her ambitions.
(b) She admits her love was based on financial greed.
(c) She knows her lack of confidence in his ability made him sad.
(d) She agrees her incessant chatter drove Lincoln crazy.

4. In the debate, Douglas says Lincoln appears innocent but is very good at doing something dangerous with his words. What is it?
(a) Flinging words like David flung stones.
(b) Tossing verbal lightning bolts with lethal force.
(c) Inserting daggers between an opponent's ribs.
(d) Aiming verbal volleys with the accuracy of a sharpshooter.

5. How old is Lincoln as he leaves Illinois for the White House?
(a) 71.
(b) 52.
(c) 47.
(d) 65.

6. What is Lincoln considering as his first act as president?
(a) Abolishing the Supreme Court.
(b) Growing a beard.
(c) Freeing the slaves.
(d) Annexing Texas.

7. What is it about the Gale family's plans that seems most important to Lincoln?
(a) Their big dreams for their son's future.
(b) The care they have for the nation and the possiblity they will abandon America if slavery spreads.
(c) The success they've achieved with the dry-cleaning business.
(d) The relationship they've developed with Gobey.

8. The influential men visiting Lincoln ask about his views on which two topics?
(a) Taxes and slavery.
(b) Slavery and bank regulation.
(c) Workers rights and religious faith.
(d) Religion and interstate commerce.

9. In Act 2, Scene 7, what is the fear Seth Gale has about traveling with Gobey?
(a) He's careful to stay in free territory to avoid Gobey being kidnapped and sold into slavery.
(b) He's fearful Gobey's previous owner will appear to reclaim him.
(c) He's afraid to take Gobey across state borders because he doesn't have a passport.
(d) He believes Gobey is planning to escape on the Underground Railroad.

10. What is the last line of the play, sung by the crowd?
(a) "Happy days are here again."
(b) "God bless America."
(c) "He stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni."
(d) "His soul goes marching on."

11. How does Lincoln frequently begin a sentence after his election?
(a) "If I live..."
(b) "Whatever..."
(c) "As I live and breath..."
(d) "Funnily enough..."

12. What causes Lincoln to change his mind about his future?
(a) He understands he's not getting any younger or better looking, so it's time to settle down.
(b) He fails as a farmer and sees he must return to politics.
(c) After seeing Seth Gale's son, Lincoln realizes how much he wants children.
(d) After meeting Seth Gale, Lincoln realizes his destiny is in national service, as Mary always said.

13. What distinction does Lincoln draw between the slaves and downtrodden workers in the North?
(a) The slaves can run away, the workers cannot.
(b) Slaves live on plantations, workers live in cities.
(c) The workers live with harsh winters, the slaves do not.
(d) The workers have the right to strike, slaves do not.

14. To which of Shakespeare's characters does Douglas compare Lincoln?
(a) Hamlet.
(b) Romeo.
(c) Brutus.
(d) Macbeth.

15. Lincoln says he has come to believe something about himself and Mary. What is it?
(a) They will never be happy together, no matter how they try.
(b) Their destinies are together, for better or worse.
(c) They are like peanut butter and jelly--good alone, but better together.
(d) Their destinies will take them to Europe to live.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lincoln wearing as he arrives for the train to Washington?

2. At the beginning of Act 3, Scene 10, Lincoln is sitting in his parlor with his sons. How many did he have?

3. What are the issues on Lincoln's mind as he addresses the crowd?

4. What is Lincoln doing as he waits for the voting results?

5. What promise does Mary Todd extract from Lincoln before agreeing to marry him?

(see the answer keys)

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