A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author believes he may be wanted as __________ in "The Spiker."
(a) A terrorist.
(b) A mass murderer.
(c) An eco-terrorist.
(d) A thief.

2. When the author goes for a walk in his snowshoes, what does he observe?
(a) The tracks of many different animals.
(b) The tracks of bears.
(c) The tracks of deer.
(d) The tracks of ravens.

3. In "December 4," the author decides to make the trip ________.
(a) Back home.
(b) Into the forest.
(c) To another cabin.
(d) Into town.

4. Though the weather is still cold in "March 16," the author can see the tracks and furrows of many animals. What does he search for as the sun comes out?
(a) Kinglet's nests.
(b) Robin's nests.
(c) Bald eagle's nests.
(d) Raven's nests.

5. Which bog is the author's favorite?
(a) Slippery Elm Bog.
(b) Swamp Bog.
(c) Huckleberry Bog.
(d) Maine Bog.

6. In "April 28 Free Search," the author goes on a nature walk _______________.
(a) Without paying attention to where he was.
(b) Looking for something in particular.
(c) Without looking for anything in particular.
(d) Without looking where he was going.

7. In "November 28 More Flies," how does the the author attempt to rid his cabin of flies?
(a) He hits them with a fly swatter.
(b) He sucks them up in the dustbuster.
(c) He steps on them.
(d) He sprays them with poison.

8. What does the author set out to do in "November 25 Connections"?
(a) Go deer hunting.
(b) Go turkey hunting.
(c) Go duck hunting.
(d) Go moose hunting.

9. The author concluded that the squirrels had developed a way of making ___________.
(a) Their own sugar.
(b) Their own nests.
(c) Their own maple syrup.
(d) Their own gum.

10. In "April 8," what does the author check out on a dairy farm?
(a) A raven's nest.
(b) The farm's machinery.
(c) The dairy products made there.
(d) A cow.

11. Where does the author take a trip to in "May 2"?
(a) To New York City.
(b) To town.
(c) To Vermont.
(d) To Bog Stream.

12. Why did the author have an easy time seeing the tracks of various animals?
(a) The ground was very muddy.
(b) He was laying on the ground.
(c) A thick blanket of snow had fallen the night before.
(d) He had binoculars.

13. In "April 21," the author and Stuart, his son, take ___________.
(a) A vacation.
(b) A swim in the river.
(c) A drawing course together.
(d) A walk in the woods.

14. In another very detailed dream, he is looking for a place to rest but is suddenly swept away by ______________ elephants.
(a) Gentle.
(b) Graceful.
(c) Menacing.
(d) Dangerous.

15. In "Excursions," what creatures are endangered because of high quantities of mercury and PCB in the water?
(a) Sea gulls.
(b) Coyotes.
(c) Bald eagles.
(d) Blue herons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Even though the author has not killed a deer or even fired a shot, why does he declare it a successful season?

2. In "March 14 Storm" what is the author beginning to feel?

3. In "March 30 Cocoons," the author finds an old cocoon from _________.

4. On December 9, the author returns to his cabin in the woods just in time for what event?

5. What does the author do before cooking and eating the fish that he and his neighbor catch?

(see the answer keys)

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