A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in the Maine Woods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bernd Heinrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the thing that surprises the author the most?
(a) He has adjusted to living in his cabin.
(b) Most of the birds have left.
(c) The vibrant colors of the fall leaves.
(d) Most of the leaves have fallen off the ash tree.

2. In "Burning Wood," the author writes that he is happy he has cut down so much wood, and it has given him a feeling of accomplishment. Nevertheless, what is he annoyed about?
(a) His stove is efficient at cooking food but inefficient at heating his cabin.
(b) He is very sore from chopping wood.
(c) He is still in need of more wood.
(d) The wood is filled with insects.

3. In the section "September 23-26 The Garden," the author observes what about the green beans and squash he planted?
(a) They died.
(b) They grew fruit.
(c) They failed to fruit.
(d) They are very large and colorful.

4. The author has observed that the small cemeteries are full of the families who first came to the area and that the majority of gravestones belong to whom?
(a) Women.
(b) Adults.
(c) Children.
(d) Men.

5. In "Late Summer Ramblings," the author writes about the changing of the seasons and the life cycle of ________.
(a) The raven.
(b) The deer.
(c) The moth.
(d) Man.

6. Why do the squirrels, in particular, fascinate the author?
(a) They are very curious.
(b) They are very loud.
(c) They are very mean.
(d) They try so hard to stay hidden.

7. In "Jack," what details are given about the author?
(a) The author's relationship with the raven he captured when it was a baby.
(b) The author's relationship with his son.
(c) The author's relationship with a young deer.
(d) The author's relationship with his neighbor.

8. "The Traveling Companion" begins with the author's description of his journey to ___________.
(a) His son's home in Vermont.
(b) His cabin deep in the woods of Maine.
(c) The bog.
(d) His son's school.

9. In "Bedrock," the author gives a ___________ history of the region.
(a) Geometric.
(b) Geographic.
(c) Geothermal.
(d) Geologic.

10. The author has another run on "September 18" - this time running a length of __________ miles.
(a) Forty.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Thirty.
(d) Twenty.

11. The author notes more evidence of the seasons changing in "August 14 Whispers of Fall." Who comes for a visit?
(a) The author's son Stuart and his daughter Erica.
(b) The author's wife.
(c) The author's son Stuart, his daughter Erica, and two friends.
(d) The author's daughter Erica.

12. When farming begins to spread farther west, the land reverts from farmland to ________.
(a) Glaciers.
(b) Swamps.
(c) Forests.
(d) Deserts.

13. The author observes a pair of swallows in a nest by his cabin and how quickly they move on with their lives when ____________.
(a) Their eggs hatch.
(b) Their nest is destroyed.
(c) Their baby birds are killed.
(d) They are injured while protecting their nest.

14. One raven flies close to the author, circles away, and then comes back. At this point, what is the author wondering about?
(a) If it is curious about him.
(b) If the raven does not like him.
(c) If the raven is scared of him.
(d) If it is his friend Jack.

15. The author writes about the delicate relationship between _________.
(a) The Earth and the stars.
(b) The Earth and the sun.
(c) The Earth and the moon.
(d) The Earth and the rest of the solar system.

Short Answer Questions

1. "Beginnings" deals with the author's goals for the _________ he will spend in the cabin.

2. After a few weeks, what does Jack learn to do on his own?

3. "The Time of Birdsong" describes the author's all-day observations of __________.

4. After the author runs, how does he feel?

5. The birds start when it is still dark and the singing picks up with the increasing __________.

(see the answer keys)

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