A Year in Provence Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in Provence Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What picture in the calendar he gives Peter does the postman show him?
(a) a picture of the village under snow
(b) a picture of the national forest
(c) a girl wearing two coconut shells
(d) a picture of the the goat race Peter had witnessed

2. Whom did Peter call when there was a problem with the house or property?
(a) Tony
(b) Faustin
(c) Menicucci
(d) Christian

3. What happens during the outside buffet at the party?
(a) The Mistral begins to blow.
(b) Some local peasants crash the party.
(c) Some of the guests get food poisoning.
(d) The guests watch fireworkd.

4. What was the party that the Mayles attended in Gordes?
(a) a birthday party
(b) an anniversary party
(c) a very formal dinner party
(d) an informal swim party

5. Who wanted to go through the crowd of spectators and goats and drivers?
(a) a farner taking his cattle to market
(b) several drunks who refused to get out of the way
(c) a woman in a car looking for the auto route.
(d) a funeral procession

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the grapes weighed and tested for alcoholic content?

2. What were the merchants Peter encountered on his visit to this friend like?

3. Why was the Mayles' friend looking ill at ease when they found him at the dinner?

4. What do frugal Frenchmen hate to do?

5. What terrible story did Faustin tell about a fire near Grase?

Short Essay Questions

1. What frightened friends of the Mayles who were staying at a nearby hotel?

2. What are the effects of the night storm that hits Lubyron in August?

3. What is the irony of Christmas Day to the Mayles?

4. Describe the rusty contraption Peter finds at the edge of the vineyard.

5. What English Christmas festivities did the Mayles miss?

6. How does Peter stock his wine cellar?

7. What does Menicucci do at the Mayles house in August?

8. What does Faustin advise the Mayles to do and why?

9. Why were the Mayles uncomfortable at the party they were invited to in Gordes?

10. At the suggestion of Bernard, the pool man, where do the Mayles go to eat?

(see the answer keys)

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