A Year in Provence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year in Provence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the pieges a feu that Massot threatened to use against the Germans?
(a) signs warning that it was private property
(b) stink bombs
(c) concealed snares that exploded when disturbed
(d) nets that entangled the legs

2. What is the alcoholic content of the grapes?
(a) 12.88 percent
(b) 10.93 percent
(c) 12.32 percent
(d) 11.32 percent

3. What is the name of the bakery they visit in Cavaillon?
(a) Pain Divin
(b) Chez Gu
(c) Chez Auzet
(d) Maison du Pain

4. What picture in the calendar he gives Peter does the postman show him?
(a) a picture of the the goat race Peter had witnessed
(b) a picture of the national forest
(c) a girl wearing two coconut shells
(d) a picture of the village under snow

5. What year does Massot feel would be the ideal year to sell his home?
(a) 1995
(b) 1994
(c) 1993
(d) 1992

6. How did the hunters find a lost dog?
(a) They had a special dog whistle.
(b) They waited til the dog found their truck or car.
(c) They left a scrap of sacking or a cushion with the kennel scent on it in the woods.
(d) They went out and called their names.

7. What was the tourist joke Faustin told about the English?
(a) "Wjp throws up the French food with regularity?"
(b) "What changes from the color of a dead rat to the color of a dead lobster in three hours?"
(c) "Who pays exorbitant prices without blinking an eyelash?"
(d) "Who is so prim and proper they are shocked by the dress of the Provencal peasants?"

8. What do the people of Provence collect in baskets in the woods?
(a) mushrooms
(b) wild flowers
(c) berries
(d) nuts

9. When the Mayles finally see Santa Claus what is he doing?
(a) giving out tiny token presents
(b) receiving Christmas wish lists from the children
(c) taking children on his lap
(d) smoking

10. Who delivered the opening speech?
(a) the president of the society
(b) the mayor
(c) the Mayles' friend
(d) a local priest

11. What terrible story did Faustin tell about a fire near Grase?
(a) He said that all the forests of the area had burned to the ground.
(b) He said that the airplanes dropping water on the fire picked up a swimmer and drooped him into the fire with the water.
(c) He said that many inhabitants of the area died.
(d) He said a big festival to be held in that area had been cancelled.

12. What were the local friends of the Mayles recovering from in September?
(a) the storm that hit in August
(b) the summer heat
(c) the flu
(d) a surfeit of guests

13. What was the weather like in October?
(a) It was extremely hot and humid.
(b) It was bitterly cold.
(c) The days were warm enough for swimming , the nigths cool enough for a fire.
(d) It snowed.

14. Where had Peter's friend rented a house?
(a) in Bonnieux
(b) near Marseilles
(c) in Nimes
(d) a few kilometers from St. Tropez

15. Who is summoned to fix the washed out drive?
(a) Faustin
(b) Claude
(c) Massot
(d) Sanchez

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the appearance of the hall where the investiture was to take place?

2. Where do the Mayles go to search for evidence of Christmas?

3. Who advises the Mayles about olive oil?

4. What game do the Mayles play at the end of July?

5. Why can't the meter reader read the Mayles' meter?

(see the answer keys)

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