A Year Down Yonder Test | Final Test - Hard

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Test | Final Test - Hard

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the answer to number 113 a problem?

2. At ________ o' clock, a reluctant Mary Alice follows Grandma out into the cold.

3. By this time, Mary Alice has made a friend, _______________, and is on better terms with several girls.

4. Who invited the two ancient ladies to the DAR event?

5. One day in the cold of _____________, Mrs. Weidenbach knocks at the door.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is this man in town? What does Grandma think of this?

2. What is another way that Grandma surprises Mary Alice during this holiday season? How is this surprise important?

3. What is the final surprise in this chapter? Are you surprised by this? Why or why not?

4. Why does Mrs. Weidenbach ask for Grandma's help? Why is this surprising?

5. How is Carleen Lovejoy like Mildred Burdick?

6. What newspaper column does Mary Alice write? Why might she do this?

7. How does Mrs. Weidenbach act when Grandma agrees to bake the tarts, if the meeting is held at Grandma's home? Why does she react this way?

8. Why does Grandma change her mind regarding Mrs. Weidenbach's request?

9. What is one way that Grandma surprises Mary Alice during this holiday season? How is this important?

10. Why might the townspeople act this way toward this strange man?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Pride is a theme.

Part 1) What is pride? How is this a theme in this story? What role does Grandma play in this theme? Why? How is this a universal theme?

Part 2) How can you relate to this theme? When has pride been an important theme in your own life? What can you learn about pride from this story?

Part 3) What other themes are important to this story? How is each theme significant? How are these themes connected to the main characters? How are these themes connected to one another?

Essay Topic 2

A "dangerous man" arrives in town.

Part 1) Who is this man? Describe him and the reason he is in town. Why might people of this town consider him dangerous? How do these fears affect the way they treat him? How does Grandma take advantage of this? Why does she do this?

Part 2) Describe the event that leads the citizens of this town to like him even less? Is he to blame for this surprising and shocking incident? Why or why not? Why does the town see him as guilty?

Part 3) How does Grandma help to turn the town's opinion around regarding this man? Why does she want to help him? What does this turn-around reinforce about this town?

Essay Topic 3

The main part of the story ends in celebration.

Part 1) Describe this celebration. How is this celebration important to the people of this town? What other celebrations also take place in this story? Why? How are celebrations an important part of life in this town? Why?

Part 2) How do these celebrations balance out the struggles these people face? How might this have been exceptionally important during the 1930s throughout the United States?

Part 3) How are celebrations important today? What specific holidays are particularly important in one's life today? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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