A Year Down Yonder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mad, Grandma affixes a spare tire to the front of the farmer's tractor in the barn, and does what?
(a) Rams the tractor into the tree.
(b) Steals the tractor.
(c) Runs the tractor into the river.
(d) Rams the tractor into the farmer's house.

2. Who is one of the last to be served?
(a) Mary Alice.
(b) Carleen.
(c) Augie Fluke.
(d) Grandma.

3. Finally home, Grandma cuts the food open with what?
(a) A butter knife.
(b) A carving knife.
(c) The pranksters' handsaw.
(d) An electric saw.

4. It is revealed that a major reason for having the shoot at the Abernathy farm is do what?
(a) Raise money for Mrs. Abernathy.
(b) Raise money for the DAR.
(c) Raise money for the school.
(d) Raise money for the NRA.

5. Out of whom does Grandma squeeze a whole silver dollar?
(a) Mary Alice.
(b) August Fluke.
(c) Mr. Weidenbach.
(d) Mrs. Abernathy.

6. What do Grandma and Mary Alice do at the cobhouse?
(a) Place Bootsie on the wire.
(b) Go back inside the house.
(c) Taunt the boys.
(d) Hide and wait.

7. Mary Alice has a Halloween party at school, and Grandma decides to do what?
(a) Make her a costume.
(b) Bake pumpkin and pecan pies for it.
(c) Buy her treats to share.
(d) GIve her apples for bobbing.

8. Grandma takes Mary Alice directly where?
(a) Home.
(b) A restaurant for dinner.
(c) High school.
(d) Work.

9. Mary Alice figures Mildred will do what to her at school tomorrow?
(a) Tease her.
(b) Beat her up.
(c) Ignore her.
(d) Befriend her.

10. Grandma intimidates ________________ into paying more for the stew.
(a) All who can afford it.
(b) The poor.
(c) Everyone.
(d) The men.

11. After school, how does Mildred follow Mary Alice?
(a) On a motorcycle.
(b) On a horse.
(c) On a bike.
(d) In a car.

12. The _____________ family are notoriously bad people.
(a) Gage.
(b) Burdick.
(c) Butler.
(d) Fluke.

13. For how long does Halloween go on?
(a) Hours.
(b) Days.
(c) Minutes.
(d) Weeks.

14. Who is Mary Alice's favorite singer?
(a) Michael Buble.
(b) Kate Smith.
(c) Her mother.
(d) The Andrews Sisters.

15. In a dank basement, they discover ______________, who is doubling as a janitor.
(a) The principal, August Fluke.
(b) Mary Alice's brother, Joey.
(c) An English teacher, Miss Butler.
(d) Another high school student, Augie Fluke.

Short Answer Questions

1. Every year the _____________________ hosts a sharpshooting contest at the Abernathy farm.

2. Mary Alice has to share a desk with whom?

3. How does Grandma know that the horse was not even Mildred's?

4. Wordlessly, Grandma stews up some _______ on the stove.

5. She has them take off their shoes, and then she gives the girls buttermilk and __________.

(see the answer keys)

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