A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through A Dangerous Man.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is it important that the school is many miles from Mildred's house?
(a) It is too far for her to get to without a horse or shoes.
(b) She will be late to school the next day.
(c) It is too far for Mildred to go to complain about Grandma's behavior.
(d) She will not be able to follow Mary Alice home from school the next day.

2. Why did Mrs. Weidenbach choose to go to Grandma Dowdel to solve this problem?
(a) She is Mary Alice's guardian.
(b) Grandma wants to be a member of the DAR.
(c) She has a large home.
(d) Grandma Dowdel is the best cook she knows.

3. The next day, Grandma negotiates a good deal for the hides with whom?
(a) The Burdick family.
(b) The local fur broker.
(c) Augie Fluke.
(d) A neighbor.

4. While Grandma is widely known as an excellent markswoman, she will not be competing. Instead, what does she do?
(a) She spends time with Mary Alice.
(b) She sits inside and watches.
(c) She helps the wives of the Legionnaires prepare burgoo stew.
(d) She judges the competition.

5. Grandma dodges Mary Alice's question of what?
(a) Whether or not they are stealing.
(b) Whether or not they are invited guests.
(c) Whether or not they should eat pie.
(d) Whether or not the rest of her class wants treats.

Short Answer Questions

1. Grandma wears her best clothes for the DAR event, and Mary Alice is struck by what?

2. Grandma makes sure to do what with this boy's desert?

3. Does Grandma agree to help Mrs. Weidenbach?

4. For how long does Halloween go on?

5. At _____________ o' clock, everyone stops to observe a minute of silence for Armistice Day.

(see the answer key)

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