A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Hearts and Flour.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. She has them take off their shoes, and then she gives the girls buttermilk and __________.
(a) Corn bread.
(b) Fried chicken.
(c) Biscuits.
(d) Pie.

2. Grandma, acting quite polite, does what?
(a) Talks to Mildred out on the porch.
(b) Tells Mildred to go home.
(c) Invites the girls inside.
(d) Gives Mildred the dollar.

3. Mary Alice accompanies Grandma upstairs for what reason?
(a) To help Mrs. Abernathy clean her home.
(b) To help Mrs. Abernathy.
(c) To help her.
(d) To see why Mrs. Abernathy is struggling.

4. The heart of the program is what?
(a) The dance number.
(b) The speech made by a senior.
(c) The Nativity scene.
(d) The Hallelujah Chorus.

5. Grandma says Mrs. Abernathy receives money from whom for her son, but it is not enough?
(a) The town.
(b) Her husband's pension.
(c) Her parents.
(d) The government.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Augie Fluke intent on proving to Mary Alice?

2. Usually it's a _________ for a cup of stew.

3. Grandma also has a vial of ________ to attract the animals.

4. Where does Grandma make Bootsie live?

5. Mildred intends to do what by following Mary Alice?

(see the answer key)

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