A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Vittles and Vengeance.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. They scramble out of there, leaving behind what?
(a) Candy and cookies.
(b) A cut up can.
(c) A flashlight and beer.
(d) A knife and a handsaw.

2. The horse likely did what?
(a) Trotted back to its rightful owner.
(b) Ran back to Mildred's home.
(c) Ran away.
(d) Stayed in the yard to eat grass.

3. After school, how does Mildred follow Mary Alice?
(a) On a horse.
(b) On a bike.
(c) In a car.
(d) On a motorcycle.

4. How does Grandma react to Mary Alice's arrival?
(a) She gives her a huge hug.
(b) She offers no hug or greeting and moans about having to take in her granddaughter.
(c) She begins to cry and tells her how much she has missed her.
(d) She completely ignores her.

5. A forlorn Mary Alice informs Grandma of ______________.
(a) Mildred's demand.
(b) Her interest in being Mildred's friend.
(c) Mildred's following her.
(d) Mildred's desire to be her friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mildred intends to do what by following Mary Alice?

2. The _____________ family are notoriously bad people.

3. Halloween is a _________ occasion in Grandma's town.

4. Before Grandma leaves, about what does she warn Mary Alice?

5. What does Grandma do with the sliced food?

(see the answer key)

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