A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through A Dangerous Man.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator tells the reader that her father lost his job and her brother Joey has joined __________.
(a) The Civilian Conservation Corps.
(b) A union.
(c) A gang.
(d) The military.

2. Before Grandma leaves, about what does she warn Mary Alice?
(a) One of the students, Mildred Burdick.
(b) One of the students, Ina-Rae Gage.
(c) One of the teachers, Miss Butler.
(d) The Principal, August Fluke.

3. Grandma makes sure to do what with this boy's desert?
(a) Add extra whipped topping.
(b) Cut it with his own knife.
(c) Make it a large piece.
(d) Put dirt on it.

4. Grandma, acting quite polite, does what?
(a) Gives Mildred the dollar.
(b) Tells Mildred to go home.
(c) Talks to Mildred out on the porch.
(d) Invites the girls inside.

5. What is "Newsy Notes?"
(a) A letter Mary Alice has written to the local paper.
(b) A newspaper column containing bits of gossip or other town-related observations.
(c) An essay Mary Alice has written for school.
(d) A column in the paper that gives private information about Mary Alice.

Short Answer Questions

1. Taking advantage of Arnold's desperation, Grandma charges him the princely sum of _________________ a day for rent.

2. Valentine's Day is coming. Around this time, Mary Alice has been secretly doing what?

3. To everyone's surprise, Mary Alice is chosen to play what part?

4. Arriving home, Mary Alice is surprised to see Grandma tramping around in the snow in rubber waders, hauling a basket full of what?

5. Who is one of the last to be served?

(see the answer key)

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