A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With which Greek goddess did Joan feel an affinity when she swam with the seals in Chapter 15, Wild and Salty?
(a) Aphrodite.
(b) Hecate.
(c) Demeter.
(d) Athena.

2. What did Joan decide at the end of her month of increased socializing in Chapter 11, Ebb and Flow?
(a) She liked being around other people.
(b) She missed her husband.
(c) She hated socializing.
(d) She was in control of her life & when guests came and left.

3. On what did men sit while drinking coffee outside the general store?
(a) Wrought iron enches.
(b) Rocking chairs.
(c) Old church pews.
(d) Milk cartons.

4. In Chapter 16, Port of Call, what did Joan take with her to the chaise longue to enjoy some peace and quiet before her husband arrived at the cottage?
(a) A book and a glass of iced tea.
(b) A radio.
(c) A glass of lemonade and some chocolate chip cookies.
(d) A pillow and blanket so she could enjoy a nap.

5. Once Joan was dropped off on the seal island, how did she feel?
(a) Angry, knowing her husband would soon return.
(b) Sad.
(c) Exhilarated.
(d) Afraid, knowing that she was alone if any emergency arose.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following people were not guests Joan invited to her husband's party?

2. How many tulip bulbs did Joan plant in Chapter 16, Port of Call?

3. Which of the following was not something Joan took with her to the island of the seals in Chapter 15, Wild and Salty?

4. Who visited Joan on Memorial Day?

5. What did Hazel do for a living?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Joan's acceptance of her body change in Chapter 15, Wild and Salty?

2. What evidence in Chapter 16, Port of Call, indicated that Joan's husband had grown and changed during their separation?

3. What symbolism did Joan see in the sandbar?

4. How did the friendship between Joan Anderson and Joan Erikson develop in Chapter 10, Seal Woman?

5. How did Joan initially feel about letting people into her home, and how did she feel about having guests at the end of Chapter 11, Ebb and Flow?

6. To where did Joan ride her bike in Chapter 14, Safe Harbor, and how did she like the experience?

7. What was the Cape Cod general store like, and what did being there help Joan decide about her stay in the community?

8. What did Joan Anderson expect to learn from the psychoanalyst, and what did Joan Erikson tell her when she didn't learn what she expected?

9. How did Joshua Cahoon help Joan learn clamming?

10. What gift did Joan's boss at the fish market give her, and what did the gift indicate about his acceptance of Joan in the Cape Cod community?

(see the answer keys)

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