A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once Joan's husband left in Chapter 1, Ebb Tide, how did Joan react?
(a) She became afraid.
(b) She begged him to come back.
(c) She rejoiced.
(d) She cried.

2. How did Joan's husband see his primary role in their marriage?
(a) As Joan's protector.
(b) As the victim of Joan's nagging.
(c) As an equal partner.
(d) As breadwinner.

3. What did Joan's father-in-law do for a living?
(a) He was a plumber.
(b) He was a lawyer.
(c) He was a doctor.
(d) He was a comedian.

4. From whom did Joan get the wobbly kitchen table in the cottage?
(a) Her grandmother.
(b) Joshua Cahoon.
(c) Hazel.
(d) Her mother.

5. Why did Joan want a job at the fish market?
(a) She had taxes to pay.
(b) She didn't want to ask her husband for money.
(c) She wanted to feel like a local woman.
(d) She wanted to work with Joshua Cahoon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What victory did Joan think she had won when she reached the finish line of the race?

2. In Chapter 4, Riptide, which of the following was not a task Joan had to do in her job at Nickerson's Fish Market?

3. Which of the following statements was not one of Joan's thoughts about the remark that she had everything she wanted?

4. Why did Joan think she was better off than the rich local women who bought fish from her in the market?

5. How soon before Christmas was Joan's husband scheduled to arrive at the cottage?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 7, Silent Seas, Silent Nights, why did Joan mentally compare her marriage to several boats which had gotten frozen in place in the harbor?

2. Why did Joan and her husband decide to separate?

3. How much did Joan tell the townspeople in Cape Cod about her reasons for being in town?

4. In Chapter 4, Riptide, how did Joan relate the state of her marriage to a riptide?

5. How did Joan's personality differ from her husband's?

6. In Chapter 6, Waves of Truth, how did Joan feel about her sons' plans to spend Christmas with their wives' families instead of with Joan and her husband?

7. What costume did Joan wear for the New Year's Eve footrace, and what did it symbolize to her?

8. What kind of job did Joan get in Chapter 4, Riptide, and why didn't she ask her husband for financial help instead of getting a job?

9. In Chapter 6, Waves of Truth, why did Joan get angry at the fish market customer who looked like Santa Claus?

10. What was ironic about how Joan felt once her husband drove away from their house on the day they separated?

(see the answer keys)

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