A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who called Joan the evening after she returned from the seal island?
(a) Joshua Cahoon.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her sister.

2. What did Joan's neighbor think of Joan's job at the fish market?
(a) That it would pay Joan well.
(b) That it was easy work.
(c) That it was men's work.
(d) That it was work Joan would love.

3. In Chapter 6, Waves of Truth, how many years had passed since Joan's sons had spent Christmas with her?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Eight.

4. In Chapter 5, Water Therapy, what was really happening with the lobster the two customers thought was dead?
(a) It was sleeping.
(b) It was ill.
(c) It was molting.
(d) It was a plastic lobster.

5. What news did Joan get about her house in the city after her return from the seal island?
(a) It had been damaged in a fire.
(b) It had been vandalized.
(c) It had been painted.
(d) It had been sold.

6. Where was Joan's husband sent to live at age twelve?
(a) A boarding school in England.
(b) An Episcopalian boarding school.
(c) His grandparents' home in Kentucky.
(d) An orphanage.

7. How long was the town's New Year's Day race?
(a) Fifty yards.
(b) Two miles.
(c) One mile.
(d) Five miles.

8. Why did Joan's old book club always end up canceling their December meetings?
(a) The women were involved in the church's holiday play.
(b) The women had no time to read during the holidays.
(c) Winter weather made travel too hazardous.
(d) The book club members left town for the holidays.

9. How did Joan meet Joshua Cahoon?
(a) He was her neighbor on Cape Cod.
(b) He worked with her husband.
(c) He sat next to her at Larry's PX.
(d) He was her editor.

10. Why did Joan have trouble finding something to wear to the fish market's Christmas party?
(a) There were no clothing stores in the town.
(b) She had gained weight and her clothes no longer fit her.
(c) She didn't have money for a party outfit.
(d) She had brought only jeans to Cape Code.

11. During her stay at the cottage, what fact did Joan not reveal to her neighbors and coworkers about her marriage?
(a) That she was married to a man who had been in prison.
(b) That it was a sham and she was not truly married.
(c) That she and her husband were separated.
(d) That she was married to a much younger man.

12. In Chapter 2, The Call of the Seal, what time do the birds begin chattering in the morning at Joan's cottage?
(a) Five thirty.
(b) Six thirty.
(c) Eight thirty.
(d) Four thirty.

13. Which of the following is not something for which Joan's writing money paid during her marriage?
(a) Taxes.
(b) Her children's education.
(c) Most of the family's extras.
(d) The mortgage.

14. How soon before Christmas was Joan's husband scheduled to arrive at the cottage?
(a) One week.
(b) Two days.
(c) He was not coming.
(d) One day.

15. Which of the following items was not something Joan brought with her when she visited the seal island?
(a) A sweater.
(b) A stale bagel.
(c) Peanut butter.
(d) Sunglasses.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who voided Joan's many mistakes at the fish market cash register?

2. How did the other patrons of Larry's PX respond when Joan entered?

3. In what town did Joan and her husband live?

4. At the beginning of Chapter 1, Ebb Tide, what did Joan's husband announce?

5. Where did Joan and her husband meet?

(see the answer keys)

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