A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 12, Low Tide, and Chapter 13, Treading Water.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who honked her horn and flashed her lights and encouraged an exhausted Joan to continue the race when Joan was about to quit?
(a) The fish market owner's wife.
(b) Joan Erickson.
(c) A lady cop.
(d) Hazel.

2. In Chapter 11, Ebb and Flow, what forced Joan to end her solitude?
(a) Her son's wife was pregnant and needed her help.
(b) Her mother got ill and needed her.
(c) Her husband got ill and needed her.
(d) A procession of visitors to her cottage.

3. What did Joan cook for Memorial Day dinner?
(a) A bouillabaisse.
(b) Nothing - she refused to cook.
(c) Hamburgers.
(d) Hot dogs and baked beans.

4. What kind of car did Joan drive at the beginning of the book?
(a) A Volvo.
(b) A Mercedes.
(c) A Toyota Camry.
(d) A Chevrolet Impala.

5. In Chapter 2, The Call of the Seal, what time do the birds begin chattering in the morning at Joan's cottage?
(a) Four thirty.
(b) Eight thirty.
(c) Six thirty.
(d) Five thirty.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Joan's father died, which relative angered Joan by not attending his funeral?

2. During her stay at the cottage, what fact did Joan not reveal to her neighbors and coworkers about her marriage?

3. What wall decoration from New Mexico made Joan think she was at a crossroads in her life?

4. Where did Joan and her husband meet?

5. How did Joan Erickson keep herself strong and healthy?

(see the answer key)

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