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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8, Getting My Feet Wet, and Chapter 9, Fogged In.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In Chapter 3, Seal Sense Analysis, who gave Joan some clams he had dug up?
(a) Joshua Cahoon.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her younger son.
(d) The local pastor.
2. Because Joan entertained their guests at parties while her husband sat quietly in the corner, how did Joan's husband describe himself and his wife?
(a) Joan was champagne while he was plain water.
(b) Joan was Technicolor while he was black-and-white.
(c) Joan was a diamond while he was cubic zirconium.
(d) Joan was an extrovert while he was an introvert.
3. Who voided Joan's many mistakes at the fish market cash register?
(a) A female coworker.
(b) Joan E.
(c) The market owner.
(d) The market owner's wife.
4. At the church Christmas pageant that Joan and her husband attended n Chapter 7, Silent Seas, Silent Nights, what were the children dressed as instead of shepherds?
(a) Fishermen.
(b) Kings.
(c) Roman soldiers.
(d) Angels.
5. When Joan's father died, which relative angered Joan by not attending his funeral?
(a) Joan's husband.
(b) Joan's older son.
(c) Joan's younger son.
(d) Joan's brother.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which of the following actions was not something Joan did prior to her husband's arrival for Christmas at the beginning of Chapter 7, Silent Seas, Silent Nights?
2. Which of the following is not something Joan woke up to the morning after her husband's arrival for Christmas?
3. What was Joan Erickson looking into getting instead of a car to transport herself around town?
4. What did the other patrons of Larry's PX talk about during Joan's first visit to the PX?
5. In Chapter 4, Riptide, which of the following was not a task Joan had to do in her job at Nickerson's Fish Market?
This section contains 355 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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