A Wrinkle in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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A Wrinkle in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Charles Wallace say Mrs. Whatsit lives with her two friends?
(a) In a large building in the neighboring town.
(b) In the house around the corner from theirs.
(c) In the old shingled house across the street.
(d) In the old shingled house in the back of the woods.

2. What does school principal Jenkins call Meg when he scolds her in his office?
(a) The most bizarre and frightening child in school.
(b) The most intelligent and cooperative child in school.
(c) The most beautiful and brilliant child in school.
(d) The most belligerent, uncooperative child in school.

3. Why does Meg initially not understand the explanation of tessering?
(a) Meg doesn't want to understand tessering.
(b) Meg doesn't understand a concept of space.
(c) Meg only thinks of space in two dimensions.
(d) Meg only thinks of space in three dimensions.

4. What does the Happy Medium first show in her crystal ball?
(a) Mars.
(b) Saturn.
(c) Pluto.
(d) The sun.

5. In Chapter 5, when does Mrs. Whatsit say the children will return home?
(a) Unless something goes wrong, in one year.
(b) About five minutes before they left.
(c) In a few days unless something goes wrong.
(d) With any luck, in five weeks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Happy Medium live in?

2. When the children and the ladies are about to tesser in Chapter 5, who goes first?

3. What does the Medium show everyone as proof that the Dark Thing can be overcome?

4. Despite what Mr. Jenkins the Principal says, Meg still believes her father is returning. Why?

5. How does Meg react when the Happy Medium shows her mother in the crystal ball?

Short Essay Questions

1. What upsets Charles Wallace and Meg about finding Calvin at the haunted house?

2. Do you think Meg reacts too strongly to Charles' and Mrs. Who's talk about her father in Chapter 2?

3. Is Charles Wallace a little too protective of Meg? Does he keep her from growing up?

4. How does Mrs. Whatsit use the example of an insect traveling across a piece of string to explain how she and the other women "tesser?"

5. How is Charles Wallace a pest to Meg in Chapter 3?

6. Can you describe Mrs. Which, as seen in Chapter 3?

7. Why does Meg have such a hard time fitting in at school?

8. Name some of the sensations Meg experiences as she tessers for the first time.

9. As Charles Wallace and Meg head into the woods to the haunted house, several things happen between these two siblings that show their closeness. Name one thing that happens and how it demonstrates their close bond.

10. How does seeing her planet from a distance covered in a black haze help Meg better understand her home?

(see the answer keys)

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