A Wrinkle in Time Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Wrinkle in Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is IT?
(a) A very old woman.
(b) An ancient god.
(c) A brain.
(d) A robot.

2. Who comes up with the idea for the name "Aunt Beast"?
(a) The beast.
(b) Meg.
(c) One of the other beasts.
(d) Mr. Murry.

3. At first, Meg cannot get enough of the Beasts' delicious food, but she loses her appetite when her father says ____________________________.
(a) The food they are eating has dangerous qualities that might kill her.
(b) He doesn't think it would be wise for him to return to Camazotz.
(c) If they return to Camazotz they will be executed.
(d) He has no desire to return to either Camazotz or Earth.

4. Mrs. Whatsit says that if the Happy Medium could always tell them what was going to happen, they would be just like the people of Camazotz because:
(a) They would skip rope and bounce balls.
(b) They would eat very uninteresting food.
(c) They would have no lives of their own.
(d) They would have to live on a dark planet.

5. When the Man with the Red Eyes decides to let Meg see her father, who does he assign to take her?
(a) One of his men.
(b) Calvin.
(c) Himself.
(d) Charles Wallace.

6. What is it that Meg has but IT does not have?
(a) The ability to love.
(b) The ability to reason.
(c) The ability to remember.
(d) The ability to work math.

7. When one of the Things scoops Meg up, what does it tell Mr. Murry it's doing?
(a) Adopting Meg.
(b) Curing her paralysis.
(c) Taking the child.
(d) Cradling her to sing her lullabies.

8. Meg and Charles Wallace refuse to let Calvin go into the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building by himself. Why?
(a) Because Mrs. Whatsit said they must always be together.
(b) Meg thinks that Calvin has a bad sense of direction and will exit the wrong way.
(c) Charles Wallace is suspicious and thinks Calvin might be up to something.
(d) Because Meg is scared of being alone with Charles Wallace.

9. How does Calvin nearly break Charles Wallace out of his spell in Chapter 9?
(a) He likens Charles to Ariel in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
(b) He recites a love sonnet to Charles Wallace.
(c) He compares Charles Wallace to Jesus.
(d) He punches Charles Wallace in the gut.

10. While in the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building, Meg asks for food because she's hungry. What do four men in smocks arrive with moments later?
(a) Something that smells like a roasted pig.
(b) A table and something that smelled like turkey.
(c) Cheeseburgers and fries.
(d) Macaroni and cheese.

11. What does the Man with Red Eyes say when Calvin accuses him of hypnotizing Charles Wallace?
(a) He thinks hypnotized is a primitive way of describing it.
(b) The Man with Red Eyes says nothing at all.
(c) He completely agrees Charles is hypnotized.
(d) He calls Charles's state of mind sweet and kind.

12. Why can't Charles Wallace taste any of the food in the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building?
(a) He's too scared to taste anything.
(b) He has never had turkey before.
(c) He has shut his mind completely to the Man with the Red Eyes.
(d) He's ill but only discovers it when he eats the food.

13. What is the name of the Beasts' planet?
(a) Land of the Beasts.
(b) Camazotz Two.
(c) Little Uriel.
(d) Ixchel.

14. Why does one of the Beasts insist that Meg gets treated promptly?
(a) Because the coldness of the Black Thing burns.
(b) Because the coldness of the Black Thing causes flu.
(c) Because the Black Thing has paralzyed her brain.
(d) Because she's experiencing nausea.

15. Despite escaping IT with her father, why does Meg feel things have gotten worse and worse?
(a) She isn't back home with her mother.
(b) Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which never appear.
(c) She is now in a place that is drearier than Camazotz.
(d) She is frozen, and IT still has her brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although Charles Wallace looks the same after being hypnotized, he acts as if someone has possessed him. How does Meg know this?

2. Once Charles Wallace has been successfully hypnotized by the man with strange eyes, how does Meg react?

3. Why does the beast tell Meg she can't go to rescue her brother just yet?

4. In Chapter 11, Calvin urges Meg to try explaining to everyone who Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which are, but when Meg tries, she fumbles. Why?

5. Why is Mr. Murry able to keep from being absorbed by IT?

(see the answer keys)

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