A Wrinkle in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Wrinkle in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How could Mrs. Who's manner of speech be described?
(a) She lisps very heavily.
(b) She can only speak in Shakespearan sonnet form.
(c) She speaks in quotes, sometimes in other languages.
(d) She speaks in quotes then forgets what she has said.

2. When Calvin goes to a house to return the ball that a little boy dropped on the street, the boy's mother is reluctant to let him in because ____________________.
(a) Calvin hasn't shown her any papers.
(b) Calvin looks like he might want to fight her son.
(c) She has nothing to offer him and his friends.
(d) Calvin is tall and scary.

3. How does Meg react when the Happy Medium shows her mother in the crystal ball?
(a) At first she cries, then resolves to find her father.
(b) She gloats because her mother is so beautiful.
(c) She has no reaction.
(d) She can't stop crying.

4. What does Mrs. Who tell Meg she must learn in order to help her father?
(a) How to fly a plane.
(b) Patience.
(c) Pathological lying.
(d) Persistence.

5. Who are the children and the ladies going to visit in Chapter 5?
(a) Mrs. Who's parents.
(b) The Happy Medium.
(c) A very old cranky woman.
(d) A wise old man.

6. In Chapter 5, when does Mrs. Whatsit say the children will return home?
(a) About five minutes before they left.
(b) In a few days unless something goes wrong.
(c) With any luck, in five weeks.
(d) Unless something goes wrong, in one year.

7. The dog growls at the lab door in Chapter 1, and Mrs. Murry goes to see who's there. When she returns, who does she bring inside?
(a) The school principal.
(b) Mrs. Buncombe.
(c) Mrs. Whatsit.
(d) The Tramp.

8. Seeing the picture of Meg's father, who does Calvin say he looks like?
(a) Sandy and Dennys.
(b) Charles Wallace.
(c) Meg.
(d) Mike Wallace.

9. What is the last thing Mrs. Whatsit says to Charles Wallace before he tessers to Camazotz?
(a) "Only a fool is not afraid."
(b) "Only a fool listens to what I have to say."
(c) "You're foolish if you really believe you'll see your father again."
(d) "Only fools would venture such a journey."

10. What does Calvin call Charles Wallace in Chapter 2?
(a) Charles Wallace.
(b) Little one.
(c) Charlsie.
(d) Moron.

11. What does Calvin read to Charles Wallace before putting him to bed in Chapter 3?
(a) Genesis.
(b) Oasis.
(c) The Lord of the Rings.
(d) The New Testament.

12. In what dimension do Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which travel?
(a) The fourth dimension.
(b) The infinite dimension.
(c) The fifth dimension.
(d) The tenth dimension.

13. What does the Happy Medium first show in her crystal ball?
(a) Saturn.
(b) Mars.
(c) Pluto.
(d) The sun.

14. What happens to Mrs. Whatsit before they leave the planet they landed on in Chapter 4?
(a) She is kidnapped by a creature that looks like a Centaur.
(b) She transforms into a massive and beautiful flying creature.
(c) She passes out with excitement.
(d) She morphs into a very large man.

15. Through Charles Wallace, readers discover that Mrs. Whatsit took something from Mrs. Buncombe. What did she take?
(a) Baking pans.
(b) Clothing.
(c) Sheets.
(d) Towels.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who accompanies Meg on the flight to see the Black Thing?

2. In Chapter 3, why does Calvin say Meg is so lucky?

3. What is the example Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who utilize to illustrate how tessering works?

4. Whose vegetable garden do Meg and Calvin walk through in Chapter 3?

5. What impresses the twins about Calvin more than Meg?

(see the answer keys)

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