A Wrinkle in Time Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Wrinkle in Time Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the Happy Medium feel embarrassed when she shows Calvin's mother in her crystal ball?
(a) She's so beautiful that she worries Meg will be jealous.
(b) Because she's not wearing any clothing.
(c) Because she's messy, ugly and yells at her children.
(d) Because she curses between every word.

2. Why can't Charles Wallace taste any of the food in the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building?
(a) He's ill but only discovers it when he eats the food.
(b) He has shut his mind completely to the Man with the Red Eyes.
(c) He's too scared to taste anything.
(d) He has never had turkey before.

3. Why does Mrs. Whatsit tell Meg not to cry after seeing the dark shadow?
(a) Mrs. Whatsit doesn't understand why the dark shadow frightens Meg.
(b) Mrs. Whatsit thinks Meg's being silly.
(c) Mrs. Whatsit is confident that Meg can help her father.
(d) Mrs. Whatsit thinks crying is pointless.

4. What finally saves Mr. Murry from being absorbed by IT?
(a) Seeing Meg and Calvin restores his faith.
(b) Seeing Charles Wallace absorbed into IT.
(c) His superior intelligence.
(d) Meeting Mrs. Who.

5. What do the children see when they look into the Happy Medium's ball?
(a) They see Uriel not their planet.
(b) They see only the oceans.
(c) They see their planet covered with the Dark Thing.
(d) They see their planet as it is in photographs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Charles Wallace with when he discovered where Mrs. Whatsit and her friends lived?

2. What is the individual that the children meet in the haunted house in Chapter 2 wearing and doing?

3. What explanation does Mrs. Whatsit give for stopping on the planet they do in Chapter 4?

4. Why does Calvin come to the house in Chapter 2?

5. After the Man with Red Eyes orders his men to release Meg and Calvin, he identifies himself as __________________.

(see the answer key)

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