A Woman Alone: Autobiographical Writings Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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A Woman Alone: Autobiographical Writings Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2, In Exile, Botswana, 1964-1979, Notes on Novels.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Bessie, the South Africans have been living in exclusive compartments for so long that they are what?
(a) Afraid of each other.
(b) Doomed.
(c) Out of touch.
(d) An isolated people.

2. In her research for her novel, "Maru," Bessie worked right at the roots of what?
(a) South African cultural diversity.
(b) Oppression.
(c) Christianity.
(d) Racial hatred.

3. In "chibuku beer and independence," Bessie states that if the government make a statement with no evil in it, then it may be what?
(a) Good for the people.
(b) Sensible.
(c) A trick.
(d) Truthful.

4. What does the musician, Makeba, have a passion for?
(a) The cello.
(b) America.
(c) Public performances.
(d) Liberation.

5. Who is the main character in Bessie's first novel, "When Rain Clouds Gather"?
(a) Young, black, radical woman.
(b) Black, South African refugee.
(c) British missionary.
(d) Tribal leader.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bessie feels that the South African people lack what?

2. What was the name of the conquered tribe in Botswana?

3. Who was the great leader of Botswana that protected it's people?

4. In 1965, what did Bessie write that the people of South Africa need to find in order to live together?

5. What did Bessie have to start doing in 1966?

(see the answer key)

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