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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why won't Ged's spells work?
2. Which port does the ship sail into on the way to Havnor?
3. On what island is the Court of Terrenor located?
4. What does Ged become near the end of his life?
5. How does the town react to Ged's victory over the dragons?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Pechvarry act so negatively towards Ged?
2. Is it significant that Ged turns into a hawk?
3. What does Vetch's comment that he was there in beginning so he should be there in the end, mean in context of the story?
4. Why is it significant that Ged and Vetch travel through uncharted seas?
5. What do you think Otak's death symbolizes?
6. How is it important to the story that Ged's mother died during his early childhood?
7. Why does LeGuin change the point of view from Ged to Ogion?
8. Why is it significant Ged goes back to see his original teacher?
9. What do the sightings of a man looking like Ged say about the Shadow?
10. How does Ged know he is going in the right direction?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Ursula Le Guin is famous as a feminist science fiction and fantasy writer. How do you think she portrays her female characters in this book? Why do you think she has so few female characters? Do think this is a statement in itself?
Essay Topic 2
The Wizard of Earthsea is a fantasy novel with many of the conventions you would associate with the fantasy genre.
1) Discuss what you already know about the fantasy genre. What do you think are the conventions of a fantasy book in terms of structure, characters and themes?
2) What kind of fantasy book is Wizard of Earthsea? What conventions does it use from the genre? Does it take anything from any other genre? Does Le Guin subvert any of the fantasy genres conventions?
Essay Topic 3
In the novel, Ged has two choices--join the dark side or join the good side.
1) Who represents the good and dark sides in each part of the novel? What is each side working towards? Is Ged ever tempted to join the dark side?
2) Why do you think the Shadow appears? Does Le Guin foreshadow its presence? Is so, how?
3) What is it about Ged's character and upbringing that means he has to fight and defeat his darkside? Why do none of the other characters seem to have a similar problem?
This section contains 843 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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