A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Vetch insist on doing?
(a) Giving Ged his sword
(b) Helping Ged search for the shadow
(c) Making Ged invincible
(d) Giving Ged food supplies

2. What is Yarrow desperate to know?
(a) Wizadry
(b) If Ged is single
(c) Why he is being followed by a shadow
(d) Where Ged met her brother

3. What feature does Skiorh lack?
(a) A mouth
(b) A face
(c) A nose
(d) Eyes

4. What do Ged and Vetch teach the islanders on Atowell?
(a) Ancient recipies
(b) Spells
(c) Songs of Lore
(d) Ancient writings

5. What is Vetch's sister's name?
(a) Yarrow
(b) Fred
(c) Rose
(d) Barrow

Short Answer Questions

1. On what island is the Orrimy?

2. Why does the old man startle Ged?

3. In what direction do Ged and Vetch travel?

4. What does Ged do the next day after the villagers suggest he leaves?

5. to where does Ged sail?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ged seek security at Roke and not in his hometown in Gont?

2. Why is it significant Ged goes back to see his original teacher?

3. Has Ged completed a full circle of his life?

4. What do the sightings of a man looking like Ged say about the Shadow?

5. What does Ged learn from his confrontation with Skiorh?

6. Why do you think chasing the shadow takes away some of its power?

7. In what way does Ged show he is still not mature enough to defeat the Shadow?

8. Why do you think the Shadow runs away after Ged tries to grab it?

9. Why does LeGuin change the point of view from Ged to Ogion?

10. What does it show that Ged respects the couple's decision to stay on the island?

(see the answer keys)

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