A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ged do the next day after the villagers suggest he leaves?
(a) He leaves
(b) He goes for a walk
(c) He casts a spell over the village
(d) He hides in the mountains

2. What does Ged acquire in Westhand
(a) A coat
(b) A slave
(c) Clothes
(d) A bigger boat

3. What is Vetch's sister's name?
(a) Barrow
(b) Yarrow
(c) Rose
(d) Fred

4. What does Ged see on the island?
(a) Human bones
(b) A mansion
(c) A TV tower
(d) A shack

5. What is the woman's name?
(a) Serrett
(b) Denise.
(c) Rose
(d) Gullivere

6. Where does the old man say Ged can find out more about the Shadow?
(a) Roke
(b) The wizard school on Osskil
(c) The Court of Terrenor
(d) Nowhere

7. What is Ogion doing when Ged lands on his arm?
(a) Collecting water
(b) Reading
(c) Sleeping
(d) Fishing

8. What does Ogion advise Ged to do?
(a) Runaway from the shadow
(b) Fight the shadow
(c) Talk to the shadow
(d) Go back to school

9. What does the shadow trick Ged into doing?
(a) Losing all of his supplies
(b) Crashing into rocks.
(c) Starting a storm.
(d) Getting lost

10. Where does Ged wake up?
(a) A cold room in a tower
(b) On a beach
(c) The wizard school
(d) Ogion's cabin

11. What is the final island Ged and Vetch visit?
(a) Gont
(b) Iceland
(c) Atowell
(d) Roke

12. What does Yarrow feel about Ged's future?
(a) Danger
(b) Sickness
(c) Happiness
(d) Death

13. Who does Ged find on the island?
(a) Ogion
(b) Jasper
(c) The Shadow
(d) Master Changer

14. In what direction do Ged and Vetch travel?
(a) West
(b) North
(c) East
(d) South

15. Who does Ged meet while out on his walk?
(a) Vetch
(b) Ogion
(c) Jasper
(d) Master Namer

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ged see the shadow resting when he enters the inlet?

2. Why does Ged have to stop chasing the shadow?

3. How does Skiorh vanish Ged's powers?

4. What does the man ask Ged to paint on the boat?

5. Why are the couple on the island?

(see the answer keys)

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