A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what country are the couple heir to a throne?
(a) Osskil
(b) Roke
(c) Terrenor
(d) Kargud

2. How does Ged say he defeated the Shadow?
(a) He said its name
(b) He exposed it to fire.
(c) He called to the gods for help
(d) He cast a spell to send it back from where it came

3. What does Ogion give to Ged?
(a) A sword
(b) A staff
(c) His spell books
(d) A dagger

4. What does the shadow feel like when Ged grabs him?
(a) Hot
(b) Cold
(c) Like water
(d) Like air

5. What does Ged become near the end of his life?
(a) King of all the worlds
(b) A master wizard
(c) A saint
(d) Archmage of all the worlds

6. What tells Ged he is heading in the right direction?
(a) He can tell from his map
(b) He can sense the Shadow
(c) The islanders keep telling him they've seen his double
(d) He is heading towards stormy weather

7. On which island does Ged stop next?
(a) Roke
(b) Valentine
(c) Iffish
(d) Jiffy

8. How does Ged try to get past the storm?
(a) Taking a longer route
(b) Taking one of the ship's safety boats
(c) With spells
(d) Swimming

9. What does Ogion advise Ged to do?
(a) Runaway from the shadow
(b) Talk to the shadow
(c) Go back to school
(d) Fight the shadow

10. Why are the couple on the island?
(a) They got shipwrecked.
(b) They became sick of the easy life.
(c) The love they feel for each other is frowned upon in their own country.
(d) They were abandoned there during a coup.

11. What does the man ask Ged to paint on the boat?
(a) A dolphin
(b) His name
(c) Two eyes
(d) A mouth with shark like teeth

12. What is the final island Ged and Vetch visit?
(a) Roke
(b) Iceland
(c) Gont
(d) Atowell

13. Who goads Ged about his skills as a wizard?
(a) Veeday
(b) Skiorh
(c) Muttiah
(d) Iran

14. Who does Ged meet while out on his walk?
(a) Jasper
(b) Master Namer
(c) Vetch
(d) Ogion

15. With whom does Vetch live?
(a) His mother
(b) His sister
(c) His wife
(d) His girlfriend

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ged see the shadow resting when he enters the inlet?

2. What does Ged see on the island?

3. Where does the old man say Ged can find out more about the Shadow?

4. What does Ged buy from a local man on Gont island?

5. How does Ged help the villagers?

(see the answer keys)

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