A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Wizard of Earthsea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Ged when Vetch and Jasper leave?
(a) 14
(b) 16
(c) 18
(d) 15

2. With whom do Jasper and Vetch now have to train?
(a) Master Patterner
(b) Master Weaver
(c) Master Lover
(d) Master Namer

3. Why does Ged have to know ancient names of objects?
(a) He must know their names because everyone at the school speaks in the ancient language
(b) He must know an object's ancient name to control it with a spell
(c) He must know their names to read spells
(d) He must know their name to move onto the next year at school.

4. Whose spirit does Ged raise?
(a) His mother
(b) The spirit of an earthsea legend
(c) The spirit of the dead
(d) His grandfather

5. What does Ogion do when he enters the room?
(a) Runs back out
(b) Has a seizure
(c) Stops the spell
(d) Throws Ged out of the house

6. Why is Ged reluctant to help Pechvarry's dying son?
(a) Pechvarry's son has an evil soul
(b) Pechvarry's illness is contagious
(c) Pechvarry refuses to pay him
(d) He has been told not to save the dying

7. Where on the island does the dragon live?
(a) Goaders
(b) St. Philips
(c) Pendor
(d) Pebble beach

8. What part of Gont is East Port?
(a) Nine Alders
(b) Ten Alders
(c) Ten Elders
(d) Eleven Elms

9. What does Ged have to study?
(a) Master Spells
(b) Lesser spells
(c) MOR spells
(d) Higher art

10. Where is the man from that heals Duny?
(a) The city
(b) The mountains
(c) The tribe that attacked them
(d) The forest

11. Why does Ged refuse to show the boys any of his spells?
(a) They are not very good
(b) He wants to remain an enigma
(c) He promised Ogion
(d) He does not know any

12. Where does Ogion say Ged can go?
(a) To his friend, another great wizard.
(b) Back home to his village
(c) A wizard school on the island of Roke
(d) Nowhere.

13. What does Ged have to study?
(a) Hardic
(b) The Old Testament
(c) The Koran
(d) The Talmud

14. Why does Ged decide to leave Torning?
(a) Pechvarry blames Ged for his son's death
(b) He is distraught about the death of Pechvarry's son
(c) He decides he needs more schooling
(d) Because of the danger the Shadow will bring the island

15. Who does Ogion say the girl's mother is?
(a) A top model
(b) An elf
(c) A witch
(d) An enchantress

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the master of the wizard school?

2. Who does Ged befriend?

3. What is Duny's new name?

4. What book does Ged look through for a spell?

5. What does Ged tell the girl he can do?

(see the answer keys)

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