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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do the Echthros-Jenkins tell the little farandolae will happen if they destroy the farae?
2. What does Meg figure out will fill the void of the Echthroi?
3. What is the importance of whether Charles is Xed by the Echthroi?
4. How does the ability to move limit the farae?
5. What did Calvin do with his second and third bean seed?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Meg do after Progo Xes himself?
2. Where does Meg end up when she leaves the mitochondria and what is there?
3. What does Mr. Jenkins think is happening to him and what does Blajeny say is the truth?
4. What does the inside of the mitochondria look and feel like?
5. What does Progo tell Meg about the farandolae and how they live and move?
6. What did Progo say about Sporos and the Echthroi?
7. What does Progo tell Meg about why she was in pain?
8. What happens to Mr. Jenkins in the schoolyard after he faints?
9. What does Jenkins say about the Deepened farae and communication?
10. What does Meg do when the Echthroi takes over Mr. Jenkins?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Metron Ariston is in reality a Greek phrase that can be translated as the Golden Mean, or "All things in moderation." The author has appropriately named this place where humans, stars and farandolae can all be the same size.
1. Why do you think all things in moderation is important?
2. What situations in your life do you think could use moderation? Describe one such situation without moderation and what it might look like with moderation.
3. Do you think life is better if lived with moderation? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
Meg begs Sporos to Deepen, saying that it is their only chance of survival. Sporos turns to Senex, the adult fara that is Sporos' parent, and he decides to Deepen. For Sporos to deepen means to mature. The author is saying we can't stay children forever.
1. What are the pros and cons to staying a child forever?
2. How would you say you and your parent or guardian is different because of age?
3. What do you see yourself doing at the age of 30? Do you look forward to being that age?
Essay Topic 3
Meg is having trouble coping with the realization that their safe little village is actually as unpredictable and precarious as anywhere else. The uncertainty of life alarms her.
1. Why do you think Meg is alarmed at the uncertainty of life? Use examples from the book to support your answer.
2. Have you ever felt that life was scary because it was uncertain? Why or why not?
3. What are some of the things you think are absolutely certain about life and what are some that you think are completely uncertain?
This section contains 1,221 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |