A Wind in the Door Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Wind in the Door Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the importance of whether Charles is Xed by the Echthroi?
(a) the universe will shrink
(b) all of life hangs on it
(c) Meg will die
(d) Charles will become evil

2. How does the ability to move limit the farae?
(a) not at all
(b) to small steps
(c) to sliding in a straight line
(d) to short hops

3. What color is the environment inside the mitochondria?
(a) purple-green
(b) green-black
(c) yellow-orange
(d) blue-red

4. How often does Charles' heart beat inside the mitochondria?
(a) every hour
(b) once a decade
(c) once a minute
(d) every two weeks

5. What does Meg figure out will fill the void of the Echthroi?
(a) hatred
(b) joy
(c) love
(d) laughter

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Meg suddenly scream in pain when she takes Jenkins' hand?

2. What does Progo tell Meg she must do?

3. When will Sporos become a sea tree?

4. What is it that Mr. Jenkins doesn't understand about the deepened farae?

5. What does Meg do when she is in pain?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Meg do when the Echthroi takes over Mr. Jenkins?

2. What is deepening, how does it feel and why do some avoid it?

3. What does the group listen to in the mitochondria?

4. What are the little farandolae doing in the and what is the result?

5. What does Progo tell Meg about the farandolae and how they live and move?

6. What does Jenkins say about the Deepened farae and communication?

7. What does Sporos do when the Echthroi takes over Mr. Jenkins?

8. What does Meg do after Progo Xes himself?

9. What was the experiment Calvin told Meg about?

10. What does Progo tell Meg is the cause of Charles' illness?

(see the answer keys)

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