A Wind in the Door Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Wind in the Door Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meg do when the Echthroi and Jenkins speak with one voice?
(a) runs away
(b) starts to kythe with Calvin
(c) screams
(d) laughs

2. What does Sporos do when the Echthroi and Jenkins speak with one voice?
(a) begins to sing
(b) starts to laugh
(c) begins to dance
(d) starts to cry

3. What does Meg figure out will fill the void of the Echthroi?
(a) laughter
(b) love
(c) joy
(d) hatred

4. How was Meg saved when the Echthros had her?
(a) several of the little farae Xed themselves
(b) Louise bit it
(c) Progo pulled her away
(d) Calvin kicked it

5. What makes Meg decide to be nicer towards Mr. Jenkins?
(a) remembering naming him
(b) thinking of Calvin
(c) remembering he volunteered to come
(d) thinking of Charles

6. What does Meg finally figure out about Mr. Jenkins because he came with them?
(a) he is too stubborn
(b) he's a failure
(c) he's not a good person
(d) he's not a failure

7. Who is waiting at the star-watching rock for the group?
(a) Charles
(b) Mrs. Murray
(c) Louise
(d) Calvin

8. What does Meg tell the little farandolae?
(a) to stop dancing
(b) she doesn't say anything to them
(c) to join her song
(d) to dance in another direction

9. What is the third test for Meg and Progo?
(a) getting back to earth
(b) saving Calvin
(c) saving Mr. Jenkins
(d) helping Mr. Murray

10. What is the dance of the little farandolae doing?
(a) being destructive to a deepened farae
(b) helping Meg kythe with Jenkins
(c) helping with creation
(d) helping the farae sing

11. What does Meg do when she reaches out to Mr. Jenkins?
(a) trips on his feet
(b) names him
(c) pats him on the back
(d) slaps him in the face

12. What does Calvin tell Mr. Jenkins about plants and communication and distance?
(a) plants like you to stay about three feet away
(b) he didn't mention distance at all
(c) distance is irrelevant
(d) the closer you stay to your plants the better

13. What is the name of the final class member?
(a) Athe
(b) Jaston
(c) Sporos
(d) Ferran

14. What does Blajeny tell Mr. Jenkins what happened to him?
(a) a fright just made him faint
(b) a battle for his soul
(c) a good wake-up call
(d) the old-fashioned notion of possession

15. What is the mitochondria called where Blajeny is sending the group?
(a) Sporos
(b) Elegian
(c) Pania
(d) Yadah

Short Answer Questions

1. Why can't Progo kythe with Jenkins?

2. How did Calvin treat his third bean seed?

3. How often does Charles' heart beat inside the mitochondria?

4. What does Blajeny insist they must do immediately?

5. What does Meg do when she is in pain?

(see the answer keys)

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