A Wind in the Door Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Wind in the Door Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Blajeny's classroom?
(a) everywhere
(b) in the forest
(c) on the star gazing rock
(d) in the back of the school yard

2. What is the name of the Murrys' dog?
(a) Rags
(b) Fortinbras
(c) Fido
(d) Spot

3. What does Jenkins One say about Charles?
(a) Charles is a brat
(b) Charles is pretending to be ill
(c) he doubts there will be any change
(d) Charles needs to go to private school

4. Who is Meg's boyfriend?
(a) Johnny
(b) Thomas
(c) Calvin
(d) Paul

5. What happens when Meg finally names the correct Mr. Jenkins?
(a) Charles gets well
(b) the Echthroi scream and disappear
(c) Meg faints
(d) Progo vanishes

6. What does the Mother call Charles' suspicions?
(a) fear
(b) false
(c) prescience
(d) prophecy

7. What does Progo want Meg to tell him about Mr. Jenkins?
(a) the nicest thing she can remember
(b) what he did to her
(c) if he is married
(d) why he is so awful

8. What does Louise tell Meg?
(a) that she will bite the wrong Jenkins
(b) that she wants to go home
(c) that Meg needs to get to her own school
(d) that her test is important

9. What do the twins say about matter?
(a) it can be doubled
(b) it will eventually fade
(c) it can't be torn in half
(d) it can't disappear

10. What does Blajeny tell Meg and Proginoskes they must do?
(a) go to another world
(b) learn to read a strange language
(c) talk everyday
(d) pass three tests

11. How does Progo take Meg places?
(a) flying
(b) gathered in his wings
(c) walking
(d) levitation

12. What kind of sound does Louise make around the three Jenkinses?
(a) no sound
(b) a loud clicking sound
(c) her warning sound
(d) a purring like sound

13. How do Meg and Progo feel when a second Mr. Jenkins arrives in the school yard?
(a) confused
(b) angry
(c) happy
(d) afraid

14. What does Proginoskes do when Meg tells him about Mr. Jenkins coming to the garden?
(a) he laughs
(b) he cries
(c) he suggests they tell Blajeny
(d) he becomes alarmed

15. What part of Mrs. Murry's work does her husband think might be related to the cosmic rips?
(a) her work with meterorites
(b) her work with mitochondria and the heart
(c) her work with gravity
(d) her work with farandolae and mitochondria

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Jenkins Two say he will do if Meg will name him?

2. What does Probo say people who know their true selves do not need?

3. What does Mrs. Murry say about Meg's time in school?

4. Why does Charles' statement alarm Meg?

5. What does Meg want Louise to do?

(see the answer keys)

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