A Wild Sheep Chase Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Wild Sheep Chase Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the Main Character go to buy supplies after speaking to the Strange Man?
(a) An outdoors supplier.
(b) A pharmacy.
(c) A clothing store.
(d) The grocery store.

2. What does the Main Character do in Chapter 22 before calling the Strange Man?
(a) Finds a public phone.
(b) Goes for a run.
(c) Eats.
(d) Takes some cold Medicine.

3. Where does the opening scene of the novel occur?
(a) Saigon.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) London.
(d) An unnamed village in Japan.

4. What does the unexpected visitor leave behind in Chapter 3?
(a) Money.
(b) A book.
(c) A slip.
(d) A business card.

5. What does the Main Character give to the person he meets per the Rat's request?
(a) Money.
(b) A Kiss.
(c) A book.
(d) Letters.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the location of the photograph that the Main Character used in the bulletin?

2. Who is referred to as the Boss?

3. Where do the Sixteen Steps that title Chapter 2 actually lead?

4. What does the Business Partner believe about the business?

5. Whom does the Strange Man demand to speak to?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of the Rat's second letter?

2. Why is the sex between the Main Character and the woman with the beautiful ears important?

3. How does the Main Character react to his return to his hometown?

4. How does the Main Character feel about the death of his former lover?

5. What evidence is there in Chapter 2 that the Main Character and his ex-wife still care for each other?

6. How does the Boss come to gain his power?

7. What is the meaning of the chapter title "Wednesday Afternoon Picnic?"

8. What is the importance of the slip in Chapter 3?

9. Describe the Main Character's efforts to connect with others in Chapters 19 through 21.

10. How does the Strange Man convince the Business Partner to meet his demands?

(see the answer keys)

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