A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Whole New Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Dan's role in maintaining Price's balance of mind?
(a) Nourishing his spirit with food, music and literature.
(b) Chastizing his self-pity.
(c) Encouraging him to remain faithful.
(d) Talking him down from the proverbial ledge.

2. What kinds of subjects does Price say he steered his students toward?
(a) Highly-stylized works.
(b) Intensely literary works.
(c) Science fiction.
(d) Real emotions.

3. What does Price say his outlook was, at the end of chapter 6?
(a) He knew he could live with whatever came.
(b) He was determined to kill himself before he lived with his pains again.
(c) He dreaded another round of pain and surgery.
(d) He was afraid of dying.

4. What was the result of the thing Dan convinced Price to do?
(a) Price lost a great deal of money.
(b) Price enjoyed getting out more.
(c) Price found new sources for his work.
(d) Price resolved old hostilities.

5. What was Price given for pain at physical therapy?
(a) Tylenol.
(b) Oxycodone.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Methadone.

6. What did two new MRIs indicate about Price's tumor?
(a) It was completely gone.
(b) It had not returned.
(c) It was starting to grow again.
(d) It had spread.

7. Where did Price visit after David Lang became his assistant?
(a) London.
(b) California.
(c) Chicago.
(d) New York.

8. What was Dr. Shuping's prognosis?
(a) That he might eventually get some relief from pain.
(b) That he would likely be paralyzed permanently.
(c) That Price's outlook for walking was not good.
(d) That surgery might help him.

9. Who was Eric Rector?
(a) Price's doctor.
(b) Price's physical therapist.
(c) Price's living assistant.
(d) Price's teaching assistant.

10. How does Price describe the process of getting off methodone?
(a) No effects.
(b) Mild effects that lingered for a long time.
(c) Weeks of agony.
(d) A few nights of mild withdrawal.

11. How does Price say his condition changed after Christmas 1985?
(a) His weakness worsened.
(b) His mobility increased.
(c) His pain decreased.
(d) His memory returned.

12. What did Dr. Friedman say was causing Price's pains?
(a) Damaged nerve cells.
(b) Phantom pain.
(c) Repressed memories.
(d) His immune system attacking his healthy tissue.

13. How did Reynolds Price injure himself?
(a) He hit his head.
(b) He fell in the bathroom.
(c) He toppled over in his wheelchair.
(d) He cut himself.

14. What did Daniel Voll have installed in the house?
(a) An elevator.
(b) Grab bars.
(c) Ramps.
(d) Video monitors.

15. What does Price say accompanied his pains, now?
(a) Nausea and malaise.
(b) Existential dread.
(c) Seizures.
(d) Numbness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Price say his outlook was like by April 1985?

2. What does Price say was the critical reaction to Kate Vaiden?

3. What did Price learn to do in biofeedback?

4. What damage did the doctors find when they examined Price?

5. What does Price say his friends thought about his condition?

(see the answer keys)

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