A Whole New Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Whole New Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of doctor was going to perform surgery on Price?
(a) An oncologist.
(b) A gastroenterologist.
(c) A radiologist.
(d) A neurosurgeon.

2. What does Price say he had to do to call Marcia Bennett?
(a) Swallow his pride.
(b) Find her number.
(c) Forget her insults.
(d) Ask her forgiveness.

3. How long was Reynolds Price in surgery?
(a) 8 hours.
(b) 1 hour.
(c) 10 hours.
(d) 4 hours.

4. What did Marcia Bennett urge Reynolds Price to portray?
(a) His vision of Jesus.
(b) His future recovery.
(c) His cancer.
(d) His childhood home.

5. What did Reynolds Price begin to feel after the anesthesia wore off?
(a) Dizziness.
(b) Numbness.
(c) Nausea.
(d) Excruciating pain.

6. What was the surgeon's recommendation following surgery?
(a) Radiation.
(b) Palliative care.
(c) Another surgery.
(d) Chemotherapy.

7. What was the title of the work Price created in homage to his tumor?
(a) The Exhaustion.
(b) The Octopus.
(c) The Vampire.
(d) The Eel.

8. What symptoms did Price experience as radiation continued?
(a) Swelling in his legs.
(b) Nausea.
(c) Baldness.
(d) Blindness.

9. What pastime could Price no longer enjoy while he was undergoing radiation therapy?
(a) Reading.
(b) Long walks.
(c) Tennis.
(d) Baseball.

10. How does Price say he and Marcia Bennett spend their time together?
(a) Going for long walks.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Painting.
(d) Reading to each other.

11. When did Reynolds Price begin to notice changes in his body?
(a) 1988.
(b) 1975.
(c) 1984.
(d) 1958.

12. What is Reynolds Price's condition at the beginning of the memoir?
(a) Being diagnosed with cancer.
(b) Recovering from a surgery.
(c) Healthy and successful.
(d) Going into remission.

13. What activity does Price say he tried out, only to find that it wasn't for him?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Hockey.
(c) Jogging.
(d) Basketball.

14. What did Reynolds Price ask Marcia Bennett?
(a) Whether he could stay with her.
(b) To move in with him.
(c) To execute his estate.
(d) To make love with him.

15. What was the cause of Price's problems?
(a) A malformation of the bone.
(b) A lack of iron.
(c) A cyst.
(d) A buildup of plaque.

Short Answer Questions

1. What capability does Price say he began to lose?

2. Describe the effect radiation had on Price.

3. What did Reynolds Price's dying friend tell him?

4. How did Price's social circle change as he continued with radiation therapy?

5. What is Reynolds Price's job at the beginning of the memoir?

(see the answer keys)

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