A Walker in the City Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Walker in the City Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What language does the author share with Mrs. Solovey?
(a) Polish.
(b) French.
(c) Hebrew.
(d) Russian.

2. What did the author and his mother admire as they walked past Belmont Avenue?
(a) The fruits and vegetables.
(b) The jars of colored water in the drugstore.
(c) The meats hanging in the delicatessen window.
(d) The architecture of the new buildings going in.

3. Who never looked anyone in the face?
(a) The Hunchback.
(b) The author.
(c) Isrolik.
(d) David.

4. What was Mr. Solovey's jacket always covered with?
(a) Cigarette ash.
(b) Dandruff.
(c) Hair.
(d) Face powder.

5. What political party was said to be lighthearted?
(a) Socialist.
(b) Communist
(c) Republican.
(d) Democrat.

6. What kind of look did New York City have during the summer nights?
(a) An unstitched look.
(b) An ethereal look.
(c) A coarse look.
(d) A mysterious look.

7. How did Mrs. Solovey commit suicide?
(a) She jumped in front of the El train at Rockaway Station.
(b) She jumped of the Brooklyn Bridge and drowned in the East River.
(c) She sealed the doors and windows and let the gas stove run.
(d) She jumped from the fire escape.

8. What did the fat brother that owned the barber shop put through the delicatessen window?
(a) A motorcycle.
(b) A customer.
(c) The skinny brother.
(d) A barrel.

9. Where was the turn off to "all things good" the author's sixteenth summer?
(a) Pitkin Avenue.
(b) Eastern Parkway.
(c) The turnoff to the Italian neighborhood.
(d) Chester Street.

10. What did the author think about museums and parks?
(a) They were a way to escape Brownsville.
(b) They were the highlight of his childhood.
(c) They were intriguing.
(d) They were painful.

11. How did the author try to show his parents he loved them?
(a) He tried to get an after school job.
(b) He hugged them.
(c) He played his violin for them.
(d) He succeeded in school.

12. Who was the neighbor girl dating that her mother was ashamed of?
(a) An Italian boy.
(b) A Negro boy.
(c) A French boy.
(d) An Irish boy.

13. What did the author hide under his coat on the way home Passover week?
(a) A bottle of wine.
(b) Packaged matzah.
(c) Packaged white bread.
(d) A jar of pickles.

14. What did Mr. Solovey wear that was unusual to the author?
(a) A wedding band.
(b) Patent leather shoes.
(c) Lederhosen.
(d) A black alpaca trench coat, even in the summer.

15. What book was the author always reading on his job?
(a) Anna Karenina.
(b) His prayer book.
(c) Moby Dick.
(d) David Copperfield.

Short Answer Questions

1. What let the author know how he felt after he read his prayer book?

2. Why did the author believe the neighborhood madwoman stood on their stoop so long?

3. When the author played handball, was it for fun?

4. Why did the author run?

5. What was the author afraid of?

(see the answer keys)

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