A Walk Across America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Jenkins (travel author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Walk Across America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Jenkins (travel author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of weather did Peter and Cooper encounter while traveling through Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina?
(a) Warm summer.
(b) Harsh winter.
(c) Early Fall.
(d) Breezy Spring.

2. In Chapter 2, we learn why Peter starts his journey. What is the reason?
(a) He wants to see if America is as bad as he believes.
(b) His parents ask him to move out.
(c) He is bored.
(d) He loses his job.

3. What makes Peter's travel difficult in Chapter 9?
(a) The snow.
(b) The rain.
(c) The tornados.
(d) The heat.

4. How often does Homer travel to town?
(a) Once every few months.
(b) Every day.
(c) Twice a week.
(d) Once a week.

5. How does the author keep track of his adventures without carrying a lot of materials?
(a) He records notes in his laptop.
(b) He writes in code.
(c) He calls his editor.
(d) He sends emails.

6. In Chapter 5, how does the person that stops help Peter and Cooper?
(a) He gives them money.
(b) He gives them food and directions.
(c) He calls his parents.
(d) He gives them a ride.

7. Where are Peter and Cooper when Chapter 8 begins?
(a) Several towns away from Homer.
(b) In Homer's house.
(c) In a shopping mall.
(d) Back in Washington.

8. Who joins Peter on his trip?
(a) His dog.
(b) His childhood friend.
(c) No one. He travels alone.
(d) His father.

9. In Chapter 9, Peter and Scott become lost on the mountain. How do they treat each other?
(a) They treat each other kindly.
(b) They become closer.
(c) They become irritated with each other.
(d) They have a fist fight.

10. What event does the individual miss because he helps Peter and Cooper?
(a) An office meeting.
(b) A wedding.
(c) A lunch break.
(d) A birthday party.

11. In Chapter 3, who helps Peter with Cooper?
(a) A sales clerk.
(b) A priest.
(c) A teacher.
(d) A man in a truck.

12. In Chapter 12, how long does Peter wait to call his parents?
(a) One day.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Three days.
(d) He does not call his parents.

13. Why does the lady at the diner give Peter a free meal?
(a) She thinks he is handsome.
(b) She pities him.
(c) He asks for it.
(d) She wants him to know the same hospitality her brother felt.

14. In Chapter 12, why does Peter call his parents?
(a) To ask for more clothes.
(b) To tell them he loves them.
(c) To ask for money.
(d) To disown them.

15. How does Peter react to offer of a free meal?
(a) Sad.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Angry.
(d) Surprised.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Peter grow up?

2. In Chapter 10, who saves Peter, Scott, and Cooper from the attack?

3. In Chapter 5, who stops to help Peter and Cooper?

4. What historic event do we learn that Peter attended during his college years?

5. In Chapter 7, What does Peter's host want to find out?

(see the answer keys)

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