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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which characters are mentioned in Stanza 1 of Poem 1?
2. What does the title of Poem 1, "William Blake's Inn for Innocent and Experienced Travelers" refer to?
3. In the Frontispiece, who is having a conversation?
4. What is the poetic form of Poem 3?
5. What is pasted on the ceiling of the room mentioned in the Introduction?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Blake enjoy the company of the Man in the Marmalade Hat in Poem 5?
2. How does the bear comfort the boy in Poem 3?
3. Is the boy comforted during Poem 3?
4. Why does the man in the marmalade hat bring the bottle of starch in Poem 5?
5. What happens outside the inn when it snows?
6. What kind of journey does the boy embark upon in the Frontispiece?
7. What does Blake do during Poem 2?
8. Describe the driver mentioned in Poem 2.
9. What is different about the dragons?
10. What kind of form does Poem 1 have?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The Marmalade Man motivates the other characters to make amends, become friends again, and to dance.
Part 1) The Marmalade Man is similar to the Pied Piper in getting people to follow him when he plays the flute. How is he different? What is his goal?
Part 2) What would happen if the Marmalade Man did not exist? Show how his presence has a direct and good influence on the characters.
Part 3) When the Marmalade Man calls himself a needle, he symbolically is leading the people. How is his leadership different from that of the Rabbit?
Essay Topic 2
Write a short essay analyzing the different emotional changes of 3 characters, looking at similar events and how they impact each of them quite differently.
Essay Topic 3
Blake constantly brings up metaphors and imagery associated with strength. Give 3 examples of how strength is portrayed and characters who unexpectedly show great confidence.
This section contains 598 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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