A Visit to William Blake's Inn Test | Final Test - Medium

Nancy Willard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Visit to William Blake's Inn Test | Final Test - Medium

Nancy Willard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which object mentioned in Poem 8 is far away and yellow and orange like the sunflowers?
(a) The King of Cats.
(b) The city.
(c) The tiger.
(d) The tortoise.

2. Which two characters have to make amends in Poem 12?
(a) The boy and rabbit.
(b) The fox and hound.
(c) The cat and rat.
(d) The lamb and tiger.

3. Which character mentioned in Poem 14 has been stealing?
(a) The tiger.
(b) The cat.
(c) The rat.
(d) William Blake.

4. What is the rare rhythmic form employed in Poem 14?
(a) Couplet.
(b) Iambic.
(c) Sonnet.
(d) Troachic.

5. Which characters mentioned in Poem 8 are woven into the carpet?
(a) The boy and the rabbit.
(b) Topaz tortoises.
(c) The Sun and Moon.
(d) The sunflowers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What object was captured by the tailor using a trap of lime and twigs in Poem 15?

2. Which character mentioned in Poem 14 has a childlike faith?

3. Which character mentioned in Poem 8 has reddish hair?

4. How does Stanza 3 of Poem 13 differ from the other stanzas?

5. What is the rhythmic form of Poem 15?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the lesson contained in Poem 15?

2. How is the experience different for the rabbit compared to the cat in Poem 10?

3. When the rabbit requests that everyone make way, what does the cow do in Poem 9?

4. Describe tasks the King of Cats gives his wife in Poem 13.

5. What does the poetic form of Poem 8 achieve?

6. Why does Blake give the rat iron boots to wear in Poem 10?

7. Why does the tiger confess in Poem 14?

8. What characters do the sunflowers move along with in Poem 8?

9. Describe the significance of the final scene in the Epilogue.

10. What is special about the dance of the Marmalade Man in Poem 12?

(see the answer keys)

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