A Virtuous Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Virtuous Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After two months, why does Jack finally wash the sheets?
(a) He wet the bed.
(b) They smelled bad.
(c) For Ruby.
(d) For Mavis.

2. At the end of the book, what does Burr give Jack?
(a) Land.
(b) A new wife.
(c) A birthday card.
(d) A room in his house.

3. Who does Jack hire as a housekeeper?
(a) Tiny Fran.
(b) Cecil.
(c) Mavis.
(d) Burr.

4. Ruby refused to nurse John Woodrow, but who did she say she would if she needed to?
(a) Tiny Fran.
(b) Jack.
(c) Roland.
(d) Her mother.

5. What does the housekeeper do on the second day?
(a) Make phone calls.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Bleach Jack's dungarees.
(d) Cook.

6. What did John Woodrow die of?
(a) Heart attack.
(b) Gangrene.
(c) Collapsed lungs.
(d) Aneurysm.

7. What worried Ruby the most about dying?
(a) What Jack would do.
(b) If she would go to heaven.
(c) If she would go to hell.
(d) Where her soul would travel.

8. Where did Ruby hide a gun?
(a) In a ditch.
(b) Behind the toilet.
(c) In the bottom of her bag where the lingerie had been.
(d) On top of the refrigerator.

9. After spending a week with Ruby and Jack, how did June feel about leaving?
(a) Happy.
(b) Sad.
(c) Rebellious.
(d) Ambivalent.

10. Who received Ruby's portion of her family inheritance?
(a) Sudie Bee.
(b) John Woodrow.
(c) Jack.
(d) Her brothers.

11. Who narrates Chapter 16?
(a) Ruby.
(b) It is a third person omniscient narrator.
(c) Jack.
(d) Cecil.

12. Who got injured during the beach vacation?
(a) Jack.
(b) Tiny Fran.
(c) June.
(d) Roland.

13. On her second day of work at the Hoover house, what did Ruby fear Tiny Fran would associate her with?
(a) The town gossip.
(b) The other migrant women.
(c) Her husband and the migrants her father had to bail out of jail.
(d) Jack.

14. What did Burr give Tiny Fran to leave?
(a) A car.
(b) Money to buy out her half of the farm.
(c) An apartment in town.
(d) A kick in the pants.

15. What finally landed Roland in jail?
(a) Rape.
(b) Burglary.
(c) Public drunkeness.
(d) Mule murder.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Ruby think that she and Jack could not have children?

2. In Chapter 16, what does Jack pretend to do when visitors come to his house?

3. Who was the best man at Burr's wedding?

4. How often has Jack mentioned the lie that Ruby told him when they first met?

5. What did Burr bury with his father?

(see the answer keys)

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